Andria, contrast to bad nightlife. 30 Oral Warnings and 10 Dacur issued

Andria, contrast to bad nightlife. 30 Oral Warnings and 10 Dacur issued
Andria, contrast to bad nightlife. 30 Oral Warnings and 10 Dacur issued

With a view to combating and preventing “bad nightlife”, the Police Commissioner of the province of Barletta Andria Trani has issued 10 Prohibition of Access to Urban Areas (Dacur) and 30 Oral Warnings against as many subjects, including minors , responsible for having committed crimes against property and against people in the urban areas of the sixth province of Puglia.

The measures adopted are the product of an activity carried out by the policemen of the Anti-Crime Office of the Police Headquarters who analyzed the range of crimes perpetrated, mainly against tourists and patrons of public establishments, especially in the area that includes the transport infrastructure of the central station of Barletta and in the historic center of the city of Andria, causing serious social alarm.

Specifically, the Oral Warnings affected individuals, already convicted, who perpetrated further crimes, in this case, possession and dealing of narcotic substances and car thefts.

Not having a life style that respects the law and the commission of further crimes being probable, they were the main recipients of the prevention measures issued by the Police Commissioner who warned them and invited them to immediately change their lifestyle habits and warned that, in case of non-compliance, the most serious measure of Special Surveillance will be applied to them.

Furthermore, in relation to the Bans on Access to Urban Areas:
• two Dacurs were issued against as many foreign citizens responsible for the crimes of aggravated injury, contempt and resistance to a public official for conduct perpetrated inside the Barletta railway station;
• another two were issued against Italian individuals guilty of having committed numerous thefts within commercial establishments in the industrial area of ​​Trani;
• another three were raised against foreign citizens who, within the historic center of Andria, were responsible for the crime of attempted murder and aggravated assault against a compatriot following a dispute which arose for trivial reasons;
• lastly, another three Dacurs hit boys of Bari origin who, inside a well-known public entertainment venue, took part in a fight, causing serious disturbances, following which shots were fired.

Following the notification of the Dacur, the recipients, for a minimum duration of one year, will not be able to access or stay in the immediate vicinity of public businesses, as well as places of public entertainment, located in the urban area affected by the crimes committed by them.

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