Council reshuffle at the Municipality of Caserta, now the centrists are “holding back” the mayor

Council reshuffle at the Municipality of Caserta, now the centrists are “holding back” the mayor
Council reshuffle at the Municipality of Caserta, now the centrists are “holding back” the mayor

The investigation into the exchange of votes and the management of public works does not seem destined to shake things up majority which is preparing, rather, to close ranks in view of advise on Wednesday for the approval of the final budget. The only force that seems to be in a hurry to dismiss the councilors currently in office is the Democratic Party but, within the coalition, the Dems remain a minority force compared to the centrists: four councilors against the seven of the Moderates-Together list for Caserta (cartel of March and of the regional councilor Giovanni Zannini), the three of Italia Viva, the two of Origini (Guida and Tenga, now separated) and the three of Noi Campani (movement by Clemente Mastella). The announced reset is left to the decisions of the magistrates. In any case, the mayor will have to meet all the groups and listen to their requests.

The councilor is aware of this Massimiliano Palmiero (IV). «I believe it is premature to talk about zeroing, it is necessary first internal comparison to the majority forces and then proceed – claims Palmiero who has no preclusions on the future government structure -, when the new council is discussed we will understand what the mayor’s proposal will be. Personally, I have no preclusions to also eliminating the councilors elected to the council but I believe that everything must be evaluated and agreed upon in political bodies.”

The first opportunity to demonstrate unity will come on Wednesday with the approval of the municipal accounts. The meeting of the groups to listen to the councilor has been confirmed tomorrow Martin while it is Gianluca Iannucci That Dora Esposito (who should have left with their families for already agreed holidays) have expressed their willingness to stay in the city and vote on the budget. The impression that everything is destined not to collapse also comes from the words of Massimo Russo, city councilor and group leader of “Moderati-Together for Caserta”, whose councilors are at the center of the investigation but who had already identified months ago the post-election month of June as the optimal period to discuss reshuffles and changes to the council. «I am against any acceleration – he declares -, we must have respect for the judiciary who investigates and for colleagues who have the right to demonstrate their ignorance of what they are accused of. We have a budget to approve which is a priority for all citizens and we await the time of the judiciary for a clearer picture of the situation that has been created. We had already talked about it months ago, the mid-term council reshuffle is a fairly normal thing, so the measures taken in these hours do not find us unprepared. Now we need to redefine the organization of the municipal machinery to guarantee its functionality and avoid inconvenience to the people of Caserta and this – he concludes – takes time”.

It is difficult to predict exits and entrances from the council, the only ones who can breathe a sigh of relief should be Domenico Maietta And Annamaria Sadotto (whose name is also well-liked to lead the centre-left in the next local elections). They also have good hopes Emilianna Credentino And Antonio De Lucia while the Councilor for Culture Vincenzo Battarra could leave room for the councilor Andrea Boccagna to fill his seat on the council. The councilor should be outside the council Martin even if all hypotheses are frozen until Wednesday. It is an intervention by Caserta Decide, however, that offers ideas for the political controversy. Civic citizens criticize the administration (there is talk of betrayal of the ballot) and envisage a future for the post-Marino period by aiming for an alliance with the reformist Pd-M5S front (in a political coalition that keeps the moderate forces out).

Words that unleash the center-right where it had already been in recent weeks Pasquale Napoletano (Fdi) to invite Raffaele Giovine to join the majority: «There is too much desire to archive the reshuffle without resolving the damage of a supine management to the wills and objectives of individuals. The administration in recent years has been deliberately conditioned by the need for measures that are of little use to the city which only a few have vigorously opposed, receiving too many times an invitation from the mayor to study and investigate further which, in light of what has happened, it was evidently only the sign of a clear delusion of omnipotence.”

«We cannot forget the choices made during the electoral campaign, to those who wanted to provide their support – the severe comment of Maurizio Del Rosso (League) -. Caserta Decide no longer even deceives the electorate. What happened is also the result of the choices of the entire group that supported Carlo Marino and now, like the M5s, is trying to escape from its responsibilities. I believe it is not fair to the city they claim to love and serve.”


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