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Cesena weather, the forecast for tomorrow Monday 17 June

Monday 17 June in Cesena stable and sunny weather conditions are expected for the entire day. Temperatures will increase compared to previous days, with maximum values ​​that may exceed +30°C during the central hours of the day.

During the morning the sky will be clear with a light cloud cover (6-7%). Temperatures will hover around +21°C in the early hours of the day, then gradually rise to above +27°C towards the central hours of the morning. The wind will blow from the North West at a speed of around 9-10 km/h.

In the afternoon the weather in Cesena will be characterized by clear skies with cloud cover around 7%. Maximum temperatures will reach +30°C, with a perception of heat that may exceed +29°C. The wind will be moderate, coming from the East – North East, with gusts up to 15-20 km/h.

Even in the evening the sky will remain clear with a slight increase in cloud cover (9-10%). Temperatures will remain pleasant, around +20°C, with a slightly lower perception of heat. The wind will be weak, coming from the South – South East, with a speed of around 6-7 km/h.

Based on the current weather forecast, good weather conditions and atmospheric stability are expected to be maintained in Cesena for the next few days, with temperatures remaining high and generally clear skies. It is advisable to pay attention to the hottest hours of the day and protect yourself adequately from the sun’s rays.

All weather data for Monday 17 June in Cesena

Complete weather forecast for Cesena

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