Caserta weather, the forecast for tomorrow Monday 24 June

The weather forecast in Caserta for Monday 24 June they indicate generally stable and sunny conditions for most of the day. In the morning the sky will be clear with minimal cloud cover, while in the afternoon and towards the evening only a few clouds are expected.

During the morning, starting from the early hours of the day, the sky will be clear with a cloud cover of 3%. Temperatures will be around +25°Cwith a light breeze that will blow from the South at a speed of 4.9km/h. The humidity will be of 46% and the atmospheric pressure will remain constant a 1011hPa.

In the afternoonthe sky will appear with few clouds and cloud cover around the 17%. Maximum temperatures will reach i +29°Cwith a brisk breeze that will blow from the South West at a speed of 20.1km/h. Humidity will increase slightly at 41%while atmospheric pressure will remain stable at 1011hPa.

In eveningthe sky will be clear again with cloud cover at 0%. Temperatures will drop slightly, reaching +22°Cwith a light breeze blowing from the South West at a speed of 14.1km/h. Humidity will increase at 68% and the atmospheric pressure will rise slightly a 1012hPa.

In conclusion, the weather forecast for Monday 24 June in Caserta indicates a day characterized by stable and sunny conditions, with pleasant temperatures and moderate winds. It is advisable to pay attention to temperature variations throughout the day and maintain adequate hydration, considering the increase in humidity throughout the day.

All weather data for Monday 24 June in Caserta

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