Cinesthesia opens with history

Cinesthesia opens with history
Cinesthesia opens with history

Legnano between the two wars and cinema in the city

Saturday afternoon, in the Pagani room of the Leone Da Perego, Professor Giorgio Vecchio opened the 2024 edition of Cinestesiaconceived and organized by the film club Marco Pensotti Bruni with the patronage of the municipal administration, with an interesting lesson on Legnano between the two wars, confessing that, having been consulted by several entities: “I decided to do a story about Legnano… in installments!”postponing in-depth analyzes on other periods to future occasions.

In these twenty years there is Legnano which from agricultural becomes increasingly industrial, with fascism advancing and which expresses – in that period of time – three mayors “In the fascist era – says the professor – characteristics that mark that period are highlighted: first of all the observation that between the twenties and thirties Legnano experienced a profound transformation, the essentially static face of the previous decades of the city changed, which began to take on the appearance that we then know, that of the contemporaneity and the twentieth century, destined to last until the sixties of the last century”.

Claudio Bergamopresident of Cineforum Marco Pensotti Bruni, highlights “A vision of Legnano not only from the point of view of its cinemas. The topic that serves as a fil rouge comes from afar, at a time when culture in Legnano evolved from an agricultural village to an industrial city, accompanied by a cultural growth of the city, first and foremost because manufacturing needs not only of manpower but also of trained people”.

But cinemas will be the crux of his speech, thanks to a careful historical investigation that has allowed us to know their names and locations in the last century.

For Flavio Giranzanihonorary president of Cineforun Marco Pensotti Bruni: “Legnano always lives at a good cultural level, with many demonstrations and events, but something that came from within is missing, that is, the desire to express oneself, to meet through the communication of the visual arts. We have always dealt with cinema and cinema, through its language, has always given us many emotions. We struggle to find young people who connect with us to carry this message forward. They perhaps prefer to see things alone with the smartphone, streaming, but for us it was important to experience them together, and the cinema gave us, and continues to give us, the possibility, sixty years after the foundation of our film club, the most old’ of Italy with that of Bergamo”.

Gigi Marinoni

Gigi Marinoni

He has worked for years in the publishing and information field. He directed series and musical magazines. He collaborates with the bookshop/publisher La Memoria del Mondo of Magenta. Passionate about history, he follows what happens in the area with pleasure.

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