Fabrizio Nucci: “Happy for such a large victory. Now there are many works to be carried out for Asciano”

Fabrizio Nucci: “Happy for such a large victory. Now there are many works to be carried out for Asciano”
Fabrizio Nucci: “Happy for such a large victory. Now there are many works to be carried out for Asciano”

Fabrizio Nucci was confirmed as mayor of Asciano: this is the outcome of the local elections. The mayoral candidate supported by the centre-left coalition, at the head of the Scelgo Asciano list, obtained 1,926 votes, equal to 62.19% of the total; while the challenger Daniele Parri stopped at 1,171 votes equal to 37.81%.

  • Fabrizio Nucci, what is your opinion on the result of the municipal elections in Asciano?

My opinion is extremely positive. Truly important numbers were recorded, which make us responsible. There are many works to be completed, we must work hard and always be ready to seize the opportunities that may arise, also to draw funds in order to carry out the works that are close to our hearts.

  • Did you expect to get over 62% of the vote?

No, I didn’t expect a victory in these terms and with such important numbers. Obviously such a result is pleasing and is an ever greater responsibility to do well for the Asciano community.

  • You immediately returned to work after the local elections: what are you focusing your work on?

In the meantime, the municipal council must be built, the deputy mayor and the councilors must therefore be appointed. This is the first thing to do. Then we will have to get to work immediately because there are deadlines, as early as June. We therefore want to go to the city council as soon as possible to present the council and the programs and then resume work.

  • There are many works to carry out…

Yes, absolutely. The works for the new school center are already financed, we must respect deadlines and obligations. We pay great attention to all this. As regards the new RSA, there is already approval from the Health Society, in the next few days there will be a public tender and the hope is that the work can be completed within a few years. For the cycle-pedestrian bridge between Arbia and Taverne our work continues in collaboration with the Municipality of Siena. We have obtained a contribution, we will have to continue working in this direction. The objective is also to make the hydraulic safety of Asciano and Arbia.

  • Which Asciano do you dream of seeing in the next few years?

In the meantime, I hope to see a countertrend regarding the demographic aspect. In this regard, a significant demographic decline is in fact being recorded, and compared to one hundred deaths we have just over thirty births. We would like to see an increasingly prosperous and more welcoming territory.

  • What is your overall opinion on the administrative elections in the province of Siena, awaiting the run-offs in Poggibonsi and Colle Val d’Elsa?

It seems to me that the mayors of the provincial territory of Siena have worked well, the polls have given an answer in this sense. Citizens voted for many outgoing mayors and confirmed them. I therefore believe that we must continue on this path, the results achieved have been important.

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