Portico di Caserta, the Don Milani Peace Educator Special Prize goes to the Director Giuseppina Presutto |


The end of the school year event organized by the “S. Comprehensive Institute” was held on Thursday 13 June at the Colorito theater in the hamlet of Caturano in Macerata Campania. Giovanni Bosco” in Portico di Caserta directed by the excellent director Giuseppina Presutto.

The students, together with the teachers, beyond all expectations gave life to a show that interpreted the characters from the story of Don Peppe Diana, celebrating his memory on the thirtieth anniversary of his death.

A recognition to the lawyer. Ciro Puglia, author of the script, friend of the children and the teacher Serafina Ballistreri who adapted, completed and staged it, taking care of the direction. The show, which ended with the magnificent interpretation of the song – rock opera “Love your neighbor” dedicated to Don Diana (work by the singer-songwriter for Peace Agnese Ginocchio, present at the evening and who performed it together with the students), moved everyone, many ‘is that the audience stood up.

The project was carried out thanks to PON funds from Agenda Sud. Also present were the provincial Libera representative Fabio De Gemmis, the councilor for Public Education Rossella Paba, the Pro loco, the local Carabinieri Association.

At the end, after the delivery of the certificates and t-shirts to the students, the greeting of the Libera representative and that of the Peace testimonial Agnese Ginocchio, the plaque of the Special Prize “Don Lorenzo Milani Educator of Peace” was presented to the Presutto Director. awarded by the International Movement for Peace III Millennium of the Province of Caserta – Campania Region, promoting body of the historic mobilization of the “Torch of Peace”, of which Ginocchio is President.

“The school director has the future of her students at heart, she could only be the first recipient of this award, in memory of Don Milani, builder and educator of Peace, creator of the Barbiana School, 100 years after its birth, whose motto “I Care” means “I care”, “I care about you”, the exact opposite of the motto “I don’t care”. Last year, at the end of the “Torch of Peace” stage which reached all the locations of the IC “S.Giovanni Bosco” in Portico di Caserta, we announced it; after a year, at the end of the school year which saw the performance of the recital on Don “Peppe Diana”, we presented the plaque to the Director, “committed to these paths for years”, as she fully deserves it.

It seemed nice to associate the figure of Don Milani with that of Don Diana, as both were living witnesses of Peace, objecting to every form of violence and abuse.” Furthermore, Dr. Presutto, already deserving of other recognitions, has been engaged for years on Peace paths, has promoted various initiatives in collaboration with the Peace Movement, participating in the Solidarity projects promoted by the aforementioned social body in support of the poor and organizing a pro-Ukraine collection at the premises of his school”. Then in reference to the recital on Don Diana concluded with the song “Love the neighbor”,

Agnese Ginocchio began thus: “It was a great emotion to see the children interpret the story of Don Diana, a emotion to see them sing and interpret my song. I started out prejudiced because the interpretation wasn’t easy, but they made everything simple, just like children know how to do (unlike us adults who make everything difficult, even the most banal things, well, we should learn the lesson from them of simplicity..), this is also and above all thanks to Professor Serafina Ballistreri who guided the direction of the entire show and the stage representation of my piece learned in a very short time and this is no small feat. Thank you all”! She concluded.
In the presence of Libera’s representative Fabio De Gemmis, the evening could only end with a message for the events that occurred in Casal di Principe following the renewal of the City Council. Gunshots were fired in the air and others at the house of the repentant boss Schiavone where his children currently live.

“We respond to gunshots with our sidearms, our nonviolent tools, with our “Peace Notes” in memory of Don Diana, martyr for freedom and Witness of Peace. Peace is needed! Against abuse, intimidating gestures and violence we can only respond with the opposite action “Nonviolence” (the flag held by the children was indicated). The strength of Peace is Nonviolence, which is achieved with love and respect towards others (hence the title of the song “Love Your Neighbor”), this is what Don Diana would have said and acted, whose message was well interpreted by the students in the recital dedicated to him. Let’s make his testimony and example alive every day because there is a need for Peace in this tormented society. Enough of the violence! There is a need for Peace in our time. We adults must do it and commit ourselves to achieving it every day, because we have a duty towards these children, to ensure them a future of possible peace and not of war and oppression!”

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