«Caserta-Benevento not involved in Anas investments»

«A clean sweep. Give us back Caserta-Benevento». Clemente Mastella he sets aside institutional aplomb and thunders towards the Ministry of Infrastructure for the “disappearance” of the axis between the Samnite capital and Terra di Lavoro within the planning Anas. In interventions on the agenda until 2025, there is no trace of the work called «Construction of the Caserta-Benevento road axis with connecting links to the Caserta variant and the Benevento ring road, first lot – From the junction with the A30 to the Paolisi junction». A surprising gap, given that the intervention had already passed the technical-economic feasibility planning phase, which was also subject to public debate in the area which ended on 4 September.

All useless, at least according to the reading of Anas’ planning for the next two years: «I have learned – writes Mastella in the letter addressed to the Minister of Infrastructure Matteo Salvini and to the CEO of Anas Aldo Isi – that in the last few hours the Cipess gave the green light to the new Mit-Anas 2021-2025 program contract, in which the planned investments were indicated for an amount of approximately 44 million euros. The construction of the Caserta-Benevento road axis (first lot) for an estimated amount of 105 million is no longer included in this important spending planning tool”. The mayor of Benevento recalls how «for the aforementioned intervention a technical-economic feasibility project has already been drawn up and sent to the Superior Council of Public Works with prescriptions», and that «the public debate was implemented, ending with a positive outcome».

However, «the work in There is no program contract for 2021-2025». An icy shower, which triggers Mastella’s harsh protest: «It’s a throw in the towel that can only generate strong regret that I represent in the name of the city of Benevento. The connection with Caserta is of crucial importance for creating a fast link between the internal areas and the metropolitan area of ​​the region. It is a strategic and fundamental work for the development not only of the province of Benevento but of all the internal areas of Campania, especially since considerable economic resources have also been committed to this project activity. It is necessary for this work to be refinanced, also taking into consideration the subdivision into lots. I am confident that you will accept the reasons of a territory that has already paid too often unfair prices on the fundamental side of infrastructural development».

The response from the ministry and Anas is now awaited. In fact, barring clarifications that may arrive in the next few hours, at the moment the reading of the 27 pages of the document which received the green light from the Inter-ministerial Committee for economic planning and sustainable development last March 22nd is valid, from which it is clear precisely the absence of any reference to the fundamental inter-provincial axis. Among the 17 works in Campania, for Sannio, include the second lot of the State Road 372 Telesina for a requirement of 659 million euros, the completion of the first lot of the Fortorina for a cost of 35.7 million, and the construction of the second lot of the same State Road 212 of Val Fortore, which will require the raising of a further 285 million.

Interventions however present in the future planning, unlike the Caserta-Benevento. Shortcoming that could be amended during the drafting phase of the next three-year program, but which currently represents a flaw denounced by the Benevento tricolor band. The technical-economic feasibility project presented last September envisages the construction of a category B (main extra-urban) road infrastructure with 2 lanes in each direction and traffic island, with a length of 24.74 kilometers and a width of 23 metres. Three functional lots are planned for a cost of 1.6 billion (awaiting financial coverage), the first of which, already subjected to public consultation with bodies and citizens of the provinces of Caserta and Benevento, extends from Marcianise to Paolisi, crossing Marcianise, Maddaloni, Santa Maria a Vico and Arienzo in the Caserta area, Forchia, Arpaia and Paolisi in Sannio, Rotondi in the province of Avellino. The construction of the second lot, up to Benevento, would take 7 years. But the conditional, today, is a must.


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