Farewell to Claudio Obbi, soul of «Parma Vecchia»

The first baby kit most likely had the symbol of the crusaders, so much so that he has always been a great Parma fan since birth.

Claudio Obbi, president, soul and founder of the Parma Club Parma Vecchia passed away in recent days at the age of 88. Parmesan from Sasso «de dla l’acua», he began, at a very young age, to work as a «bjanchèn» (house painter) and then radically changed his job and became a representative of Mazzoni Salotti.

Claudio had a great character, a frank, sincere, loyal “pramzàn dal sas” and “beautiful as he was”. But, above all, he was generous and loyal, a “pramzàn”, so to speak, like Corradone Marvasi of whom, among other things, he was a great friend.

One of those people, Obbi, who throw their heart over the obstacle and dedicate themselves with passion, not only to their favorite hobby, in this case football, but also to doing good in silence and without making much noise.

Claudio was one of these characters. «An exceptional person, a sincere friend, always available, with a sunny character who instilled optimism and enthusiasm but also a lot of confidence». This is how the president of the Parma Club Coordination Angelo Manfredini remembers him, another character who has always testified and still testifies to his attachment not only to “his” Parma, but also to our city and its most authentic traditions.

Obbi was at the helm of the older Parma Club, the “Parma Vecchia”, which was born “de dla da l’acua” in Piazzale Picelli at Bar K2, and then moved to two other shrines of the truest Parma spirit: the Bar Obelisco in Piazzale Matteotti and the Young Italy of Piazzale Santa Croce.

He was one of the founders of the Parma Club Coordination Centre, holding, for some time, the position of councillor, always a harbinger of wise suggestions. Obbi didn’t just limit himself to supporting Parma, but when it was time to roll up his sleeves and work for his team he certainly didn’t hold back like when the time came to cover and uncover the pitch with tarpaulins or clear the snow from the steps of the staircase.

A fan yes, but always respectful towards his opponents precisely in the style of the Crusader fans who have always stood out for correctness, balance and, let’s face it, also for elegance and, in some cases, also for a lot of generosity.

At this point, it is natural to think with great nostalgia of the figure of the unforgettable Corradone Marvasi, symbol of this fan base. Like all true fans, Claudio also had his favorites, but the one who entered his heart was Stefano Mariani, Parma’s right winger in the 1980s.

Lately, due to age-related ailments, he was no longer able to attend matches in his beloved Tardini, so he followed them at home, always staying in touch with his fraternal friends from the Crusader family who have always been close to him.

He was very close to his beloved sons Paolo and Fabrizio in constant memory of his wife Fernanda, of whom he was widowed a few years ago.

Lorenzo Sartorio

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