Ail Firenze turns 50. Giani: “Tuscany on the front line against leukemia”

Ail Firenze turns 50. Giani: “Tuscany on the front line against leukemia”
Ail Firenze turns 50. Giani: “Tuscany on the front line against leukemia”

Fifty years of battles to improve treatment and assistance for patients affected by leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma. Today (15 June) theAil Florentinethe association founded in 1974 by Vito Materi and Pierluigi Rossi Ferrini, celebrated this anniversary in the Sala Pegaso of Palazzo Strozzi Sacrati, seat of the presidency of the Tuscany Region.

As the organizers underlined, over these years the history of hematology has moved forward. Part of this story actually took place in Florence where the pediatric and adult hematology departments represent Italian excellence and where many blood disease patients have found comfort at the two Ail homes in the area and thanks to home care at their homes.

All this would not have been possible without the help of the institutions, donors and the many volunteers who believed in the Association’s mission. Because of this during the ceremony, the companies and organizations that contributed to achieving this goal were rewarded and the Tuscany Region was thanked for their collaboration and patronage of the initiative.

“I thank Ail for the generosity with which it has been at our side for many years – comments the President of the Region Eugenio Giani – making spaces and hospitality available to families free of charge – comments the president Eugenio Giani Our healthcare system, also involved in the fight against leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma, can count on a valid network of volunteers who share with us the objective of offering the best possible care to those affected by these diseases and concrete help to their families through free hospitality in comfortable places, at a delicate moment in their lives”.

“Florence and Tuscany are at the forefront in the fight against these blood cancers – continues Giani – with important investments in personnel and equipment which have guaranteed the use of the most innovative solutions in the interest of patients. Among these, for example, we have increased the number of centers where CAR-T therapy is administered, a new gene treatment used when transplants and drugs have not worked. Our healthcare system is always evolving. We try to improve it continuously and always in close synergy with associations like Ail”.

“Ail’s 50 years of activity and the progress achieved in some pathologies – states the president of Ail Florence Alberto Bosi – both in terms of healing and survival results, and in terms of administration with oral and subcutaneous therapies, they do not represent a goal, but a starting point and a continuous stimulus for the association. In cases of long and complex treatments, Ail’s support to the patient takes place through free reception activities and free home care. All this, together with the commitment to research, would not be possible without the support of all the supporters who today more than ever we would like to thank.”

The Ail presented today (15 June) all the initiatives that, in the coming days, will serve to remember the National day for the fight against leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma which is celebrated on Friday (21 June). An opportunity – it was said – to talk about the progress of research in hematology and to send an important message to all patients and their families, telling them that they are not alone in their battle.

On Friday (June 21st) the hematological problems toll-free number 800 22 65 24 is active from 8am to 8pm. A team of hematologists is on the line to answer questions from patients and families.

More info here.

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