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The first edition of “Ortigia Contemporanea” in Sicily

L’island of Ortigia it is a small patch of land that emerges from the waters of the Ionian Sea, along the eastern coast of Sicily. Here the oldest part of Syracuse, so much so that it is considered the true historic center of the city. Among monuments, ancient temples and archaeological remains, the events agency Svet Agency decided to give life to Contemporary Ortigiaan international contemporary art festival that will enliven the island from 17 to 30 June 2024 including exhibitions, talks, events and live music performances.

The locations and artists of the first edition of “Ortigia Contemporanea”

The festival was designed specifically for the island, and will revolve around the collective exhibitionStory yet to be toldcare of Domenico de Chirico in collaboration with Eleonora Angiolini. This is an exhibition project spread across the city, where installations, performances, videos and sculptures will animate the most iconic sites on the island, including the Ancient Market, the Courtyard of Palazzo Vermexio, Palazzo Montalto and Palazzo Gargallo, featuring, among others, the artists AES+F, Joël Andrianomearisoa, Giuditta Branconi, Martina Cassatella, Mateusz Choróbski, Gianni Di Rosa, Marcin Dudek, Simone Forti, Abul Hisham, Alek O., Giulia Messina.

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Contemporary Ortigia

The events of the first edition of “Ortigia Contemporanea”

During the two weeks of the festival, events are planned that will involve the city’s galleries, including Leucò Gallery, Materiarte Art Gallery, Momo Art Studio and Labò Gallery. There are also public talks (free) hosted at MADE – Rosario Gagliardi Academy of Fine Arts of Syracuse, where artists, curators and professionals will delve into themes and issues that revolve around the contemporary art scene. To animate the Belvedere of the Arethusa Fountain, instead, there will be two live music performance, one edited by SISIO (which will take place on June 21st at 7pm) and the other signed by the duo The Grandfather + De Marion (scheduled for June 28th at 7pm), both free. Finally, on June 30th at the Antico Mercato, the performance of Thomas Masters and Silvia Makita will close the first edition of Ortigia Contemporanea.

The first edition of “Ortigia Contemporanea”. Word to the curator Domenico de Chirico

“Carefully chosen and particularly representative of each practice,” he underlines Domenico de Chirico“all the works of art on display will animate the four venues of the festival with the aim of creating a liturgically rarefied atmosphere – expertly open and yet kindly explicit – so as to be able to pleasantly allow the spectator to find himself vis-à-vis with each of them for a comparison voluntarily stripped of inessential distractions, aimed at searching for a renewed beauty, in the hope of being able to reinvigorate the desire for life”.

Valentina Muzi

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