The attack, then the lawyer lowers his tone

After a first intervention with very heated tones, the centre-right candidate in the recent municipal elections of Reggio Emilia, Giovanni Tarquini (defeated in the first round by the centre-left led by the new mayor of the city, Marco Massari), intervenes a second time, replying to those who had criticized, even harshly, accusing him in short of not knowing how to win, but not even how to lose, this time, however, the lawyer does it, decidedly lowering his tone.

“Aside from the outcome of the electoral competition, I feel I have a responsibility, which derives from the many citizens who cast their votes for my list and for the entire centre-right area.

I cannot, however, fail to note that the former mayor, faced with well-demonstrable objective facts, highlighted by me, is trying to put himself in the spotlight; and next to him a person who has never been clear what role he had and still has in our confusing local political world.

Well, with the utmost respect I invite you both to have patience and listen, here too, to a very simple and clear thought.

By nature I am used to making long reflections when faced with problems and defeats, precisely to seek the right remedies. They can rest assured of this.

However, I was placed in front of two pulpits from which certainly no reassuring messages emerged. In fact, they aim only to hit the person, in this case mine, and remain completely unanchored from what matters most, namely the actual value of the defeat of the centre-right, which also occurred following those facts which I do not believe can not even calling themselves “politically correct” as reported by me. But not only.

Let it be clear to both of us that what we have attempted to achieve with my candidacy for Mayor is not a project for one person or for the affirmation of one thought above another, but is an operation to secure an area that is always more declining, insecure and abandoned; degradation that has increased inexorably over time, in the name of a banner of unlimited hospitality and “let everyone do everything”, that is, due to choices and inertia that have led many respectable citizens to exasperation.

With the people who have joined our civic project and with our friends from the centre-right we will continue to advance our demands for the good of the city and what I most hope for, precisely because I find no use in fueling sterile controversies, even if the two interventions by Vecchi and De Lucia would lend themselves very well to this, it is that in the open debate that respects rights as well as people, the attitudes of those who feel they are the sole custodian of the truth and of the ways in which one is in the world cease and, above all, how to govern a city that needs to be reborn.

Let’s put our “I”s aside. We owe this to our voters and to all citizens.

Finally, I confirm that we are dedicating this period preceding the installation of the new city council to the study of preparatory initiatives in line with the many things to do to honor the consensus received and, above all, to save our city”.

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