«A heart without wounds». The campaign of the Municipality of Massa against gender violence

«A heart without wounds». The campaign of the Municipality of Massa against gender violence
«A heart without wounds». The campaign of the Municipality of Massa against gender violence

MASSA – The Municipality’s information campaign against violence against women was presented in the Prefecture of Massa (Massa-Carrara). «A heart without wounds» is the title of the initiative announced by the mayor Francesco Persiani together with the councilor for Equal opportunities Monica Bertoneri, the prefect Guido Aprea and the commissioner Santi Allegra. The “A heart without wounds” campaign was born in November 2023 with meetings dedicated to young people and adults. Today the Municipality of Massa presented the information material to the civil and military authorities to raise awareness among the population on a crucially important issue that touches the very foundations of our society.

“This hateful act is not only a serious violation of human rights, but also represents an attack on the dignity and integrity of every individual – declared Mayor Persiani -. Domestic violence, in particular, is a plague that takes place within the walls of the home, away from the eyes of the world, but with devastating effects. It is our duty to say enough to feminicides and gender violence. Escaping violence is possible and we must make sure that every woman knows that she is not alone. Today’s press conference represents the beginning of a “social campaign” that must spread like wildfire. We cannot and must not leave these women alone. It is our duty to extend the network of support and help, using all means at our disposal to ensure their safety and support. Every action, every word, every gesture can make a difference in the lives of those who suffer violence.”

“The forms of violence to which we refer are multiple and all equally intolerable – added councilor Bertoneri – There is physical violence, where brutal acts leave visible marks and deep wounds; sexual violence, with unacceptable constraints that violate intimacy and will; psychological violence, where insults and humiliations erode self-esteem and identity; economic violence, in which financial control deprives autonomy and freedom of choice; Stalking, perpetrated with obsessive persecutions that instill fear and insecurity. The data is also alarming in our city: in 2023 we welcomed 134 women into our Duna anti-violence center, in June 2024 the requests received were 103; worrying numbers on the rise. In the information material presented this morning, people will be able to find information on the types of violence in 5 languages ​​and all the useful numbers where they can ask for help and support. This campaign is aimed above all at young people who, as citizens of tomorrow, can take action for cultural change and increase respect for gender equality.

“Women who are victims of this violence often find themselves isolated, without the ability to work and take care of themselves and their children – added Prefect Aprea – Every day we have reports from the Police and Carabinieri of cases of mistreatment in the family. And children, silent witnesses of these acts, suffer long-term emotional and behavioral consequences. We have cases in which the executioner prefers to leave his children orphaned rather than give them into foster care with their mother. This social plague knows no differences in age, ethnicity or economic conditions. Cases of violence among very young people are increasingly frequent, where the partner is seen as an object of possession and as such she cannot abandon it. It is therefore important to spread this campaign on social media, the main meeting place for young people.”

“As a police force we are engaged in the area with meetings in schools and information gazebos aimed at disseminating the culture of legality and prevention – concluded Police Commissioner Allegra – This phenomenon is continuously growing. Suffice it to say that there were 8 warnings in our territory in the first 5 months of 2023, in the same period of 2024 there were 20. The police forces intervene after events occur. It is important, however, to encourage a change in mentality by intervening preventively. For those who need help or witness violence, there are precious resources, such as 1522, a public utility number, which offers anonymous and professional support 24 hours a day. The single European emergency number 112 is always available for critical situations; and finally App You Pol, developed by the State Police, which allows you to send anonymous reports, actively contributing to the fight against gender violence”.

“As a municipal administration – added the note from Palazzo Civico – we are committed to supporting these initiatives and promoting a culture of respect and equality. It is our commitment to protect the most vulnerable and build a community where violence has no place. We therefore invite all of you, citizens, associations, institutions and media, to join us in this campaign. Share information, talk openly about these issues, don’t look the other way. Only together can we create a safe and welcoming environment for everyone. Thank you for your attention and commitment to this vital cause.”

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