Cagliari, hot days for the formation of the new municipal council

New municipal council in Cagliari, the first summit today

Intense days for the proclamation of the new municipal council in Cagliari. This evening Massimo Zedda will present his plan to the coalition parties during the first meeting with the majority political forces. «It is necessary to build a strong, competent and high-profile team», he declared during the program last night Radar on Videolina. The founder of the Sardinian Progressists spoke to Radiolina’s microphones, Luciano Uraswho in this regard declares: “Creating a public assembly is like recovering a relationship with those who participated, not only in the electoral campaign, but in the construction of a proposal for the relaunch project of the city of Cagliari. Everyone must be involved, from the regional councilors of the territory to the parliamentarians and I also think of the many professionalisms and skills that are available and have made themselves available. It is right that we all have the opportunity to intervene in the criteria and choices for the construction of the city government”. (Listen to the podcast by Paola Pilia and Enrico Fresu regarding the hypotheses on the Council).

Massimo Zedda (Behind him the hall of the Cagliari City Council)

Zedda: “Transparency is fundamental”

The mayor explained that «we are already working with political forces to build the council and I would like to hold a public meeting with citizens, regional and parliamentary delegations to discuss future actions. Transparency is fundamental and the absence of dialogue must end.”

The new council will probably be a mix of technicians and political figures, with a strong commitment to gender equality. Zedda will have the final say on names, based on expertise. Although the agenda of tonight’s meeting (at 7pm at the PD headquarters) does not include the formation of the Council, next week’s bilateral meetings will define the framework. The composition of the Council will follow the model of the Regional Council, with the distribution of positions based on the proportional representation of the parties. According to this scheme, three councilors would go to the Democratic Party, three to the Progressives, one to Avs. Parties with only one representative, such as Orizzonte Comune and Cagliari Avanti, and perhaps also the 5Stelle and Sinistra Futura, could be excluded initially.

Luciano Uras, founder of the Progressivists

The names in circulation

Among the names in circulation for mayoral appointments are Barbara Argiolasformer municipal and regional councilor for Tourism, e Cristina Mancini, former director general, both appreciated in the coalition. Other names and positions are still being defined and may be subject to change. This meeting marks an important step towards a strong and cohesive council, capable of facing future challenges with transparency and competence.

Interview by Giuseppe Deiana

Caffè Corretto dated 14-06-2024

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