“I officially conclude my second council in San Giovanni”. And an analysis of the vote takes place

“I officially conclude my second council in San Giovanni”. And an analysis of the vote takes place
“I officially conclude my second council in San Giovanni”. And an analysis of the vote takes place

Arezzo, 14 June 2024 – Greetings fromformer group leader of the 5 Star Movement of San Giovanni Valdarno Tommaso PierazziThat officially concludes his second councillor. And he did so with an official note in which he explained first of all why he decided not to run for the third time. “I thought it was right to pass the baton to someone younger and consequently to someone who was capable of bringing new enthusiasm to the San Giovannese cause – he said – I made him proud to have represented the citizens of San Giovannese and the 5 Star Movement in the municipal council of my city. I lived the years spent on the opposition benches with a great sense of responsibility and institutional discipline. I hope I have also managed to increase the local credibility of the 5 Star Movement by bringing together over the years many activists who have collaborated with me”. An analysis was then undertaken of the administrative vote which, as is known, in San Giovanni, saw confirmation at the first Valentina Vadi’s turn. “For the elections that have just concluded I had a desire, to broaden the dialogue, the so-called “right field” of the 5 Star Movement to other progressive forces – explained Pierazzi – And after five years of opposition to the Vadi Council, we have undertaken a path with some progressive political forces that had never governed the city. For this reason we undertook a series of meetings with Unione Popolare which saw us first organize the demonstration on Peace and then reach an agreement with Rifondazione Comunista, given that Unione Popolare has dissolved in the meantime”.

“For all this, the first thanks I would like to give goes to Alice Vieri. A young woman who was able to represent with credibility and preparation a coalition made up of different souls who often needed synthesis – added Tommaso Pierazzi – Unfortunately we were not able to obtain the hoped-for seat, but the result obtained in proportion to how much they spent on this election campaign the other political forces can only make us feel satisfied. Pharaonic electoral offices, posters and blow-ups stuck everywhere, illegal shop windows, “brochures” that looked like encyclopedias in the mailboxes. Our 522 votes are an achievement that has little in common with others. And my second thanks goes to the 522 citizens who chose us. They were brave to vote for the only ones who brought concrete proposals to the streets without inventing unlikely motorway toll booths in the style of the Strait Bridge!”

“The third thank you – continued the exponent of the 5 Star Movement – goes to the members of the Progressisti Per San Giovanni list. Citizens who made themselves available for a project that did not promise easy victories or easy results. Easy victories and easy results that some deluded themselves into finding by abandoning the movement to go where they thought the “wind” was blowing. Furthermore – he continued – best wishes to Valentina Vadi for the success achieved in bringing the Democratic Party back to victory A result that will have to make us reflect by starting a profound reflection on San Giovanni and on the possibility of creating a broad “progressive camp” within which we too have held, unlike other municipalities. Because in San Giovanni Valdarno the right has lost and even badly. Both the traditional parties with a symbol and the civic lists. Together they barely reach 40% and this was a strong message from the citizens. “If the right lost in San Giovanni Valdarno so clearly it is because they proposed nothing other than the usual increasingly cloying bickering, devoid of credible content and projects. And despite the enormous organizational and economic forces put in place, they did not they did nothing but convince the voters to vote again for the outgoing council – concluded Pierazzi – Finally, I wish good work to all the newly elected spokespersons, reminding them to be spokespersons for all the people of San Giovanna and not just for the political forces that got them elected”.

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