Pavia weather, the forecast for tomorrow Saturday 15 June

Saturday 15 June in Pavia promises to be a day characterized by variable weather conditions. The early hours of the morning will be marked by overcast skies and light rain, with temperatures around +17°C and cloud cover that will hold around the 100%. During the morning, the rain will tend to decrease, but the cloud cover will remain high, with temperatures slightly increasing until reaching the +22.6°C about 11:00 am.

In the afternoon, weather conditions in Pavia will tend to improve slightly, with a decrease in cloud cover and precipitation. However, there will still be scattered clouds and light rain, with temperatures remaining around +23°C. In the late afternoon and evening, the weather situation will continue to improve, with a decrease in cloud cover and the chance of rain.

The maximum temperatures expected for Saturday 15 June in Pavia will be around +23.6°Cwhile the minimums will remain around +16.2°C. The wind speed will generally be moderate, with light gusts and a prevailing direction from East to South East.

In conclusion, on Saturday 15 June in Pavia an improvement in weather conditions is expected during the day, with a decrease in cloud cover and precipitation. However, it is advisable to pay attention to changes in the weather and monitor weather updates for any sudden changes.

All the weather data for Saturday 15 June in Pavia

Complete weather forecast for Pavia

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