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4 thousand students in legality lessons

Around 4 thousand students in lessons on legality and how police activities are carried out to protect citizens and justice.

CWith the conclusion of the 2023/2024 school year, the meetings also come to an end held by the Rovigo police headquarters relating to the seventh edition of the “PretenDiamo legalità” project, fruit of the collaboration of the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Education and Merit.

The project was proposed to schools of all levels in the province and saw the participation of around 50 schools and over 4000 students. The aim of the initiative was to stimulate reflection on the culture of legality, by disseminating, through State Police personnelinvolved in the various meetings, the civil values ​​of respect for the rules, solidarity and inclusion, key points for the growth of tomorrow’s citizens and for the construction of a more just society.

The activity, due to the different age groups of pupils involved, took place in two ways: in presence, in the first and second level secondary schools, where topics relating to the themes of education on legality and respect were addressed of the rules, with particular attention to the phenomenon of bullying, cyberbullying, as well as gender violence, racism and forms of intolerance; in the headquarters of the Rovigo police headquarters and the public security police stations of Adria and Porto Tolle, for primary school pupils in order to make them aware of the different structures and activities of the State Police, involving the personnel of the Scientific Police for the activity of photo signaling and simulation of inspection of a crime scene, the traffic police to raise awareness, especially among the little ones, of traffic education and the anti-drug dog team to highlight how important the contribution of the four-legged policemen is.

The activity, which has seen the police station engaged since Januaryfound such wide participation that this type of meeting was extended, in the months of July and August, to groups of children participating in the Province’s summer camps.

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