Meta, the emotional farewell of the restaurant from “Ninuccio” for chef Peppe Ercolano who died at just 43 years old

Meta, the emotional farewell of the restaurant from “Ninuccio” for chef Peppe Ercolano who died at just 43 years old

You were an example of life and courage. With regret and affection we will live and pray in your memory.

Greetings to Peppe from all the restaurant staff

You will always be in our hearts


Not having given you a final goodbye is what hurts the most.

Thanks Peppe

Thank you Peppe for raising me professionally

Thanks Peppe for teaching me the good things and the bad things that you did

Thanks Peppe for all your dirty and otherwise jokes

Thank you Peppe for your nervousness when a dish came out that you didn’t want to make

Thank you Peppe who has been in my father’s service since you were 16

Thank you Peppe who helped us prepare the restaurant during Covid

Thanks Peppe for living in the place until the end 24 hours a day

Thanks Peppe.

We will miss you very much.

Now from up there make the angels damn themselves but also make them have fun like you did with all the staff


Your sudden death will leave a great void for all those who loved you and knew you. Your memory will be forever imprinted in our hearts

Many knew and appreciated him from Sorrento to Positano and throughout the Sorrento Peninsula and not only for the giant crocchè, but for the friendliness, humanity, kindness and welcome you found at Ninuccio’s which is like a family, as we also see from the comments. Condolences also from all of us in the Positanonews editorial team

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