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An English lawn at Carignano for “Romeo and Juliet” and “After Juliet” – Turin News

Romeo and Juliet in the show directed by Filippo Diniwhich goes on stage Tuesday 18 June in the national premiere on “green meadow” of Carignano, they are two girls. The reason for this choice, says Dini, “I don’t know, at that moment, when I saw them, it seemed right to me like this”. But that’s not the only peculiarity you’ll see on that one “green lawn”. We will also see the sequel to this love story, the most famous in the world. Is titled “After Juliet”, was written by a Scottish playwright and will debut, again directed by Dini, on Wednesday 19 June. After last year’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” “English Lawn. Summer evenings at Teatro Carignano”, the summer festival of the Stabile dedicated to the great Shakespearean classics (available at affordable prices), offers the diptych “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare and “After Juliet” by Sharman Macdonald.

Co-produced by the Stabile di Torino and the Stabile del Veneto, the two shows will alternate on the stage in Piazza Carignano until July 14th. The actors who graduated from the School for Actors of the Teatro Stabile of Turin will play them. The interpretation that the artistic director of the Stabile del Veneto makes of the Bard’s tragedy, set in this case in an abandoned playground, is that of a “generational clash”. «The diptych speaks of a massacre, of the end of everything we can relate to youth – explains Dini -. The new generations are killed by social media, by eco-anxiety, they are already marked from birth by the sense of the end, the end of our planet. They will carry this sense of death with them throughout their lives. Romeo and Juliet, for me, tells this.”

The massacre continues with “After Juliet”, narrated in the tone of black comedy, with humor and pathos. Here is Rosalina, Romeo’s first girlfriend, who wants to avenge the insult of having been abandoned by her lover for Juliet. The protagonists are once again young people. Young people of a city, explains Sharman, which «could be Verona, as it could be Edinburgh, Dublin, New York or Liverpool. It could be 1500 or 1900, 2000 or 3000″. Because here or there, yesterday, today, or tomorrow young people have inherited hatred from their parents. «Hate or nothing – it’s Dini again -, total nothing. Empty. All this in a climate of waiting for the end, waiting for the enemy at any moment. The kids are always waiting”.

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