Metalworkers, strike in Caserta for work and wages

The metalworkers’ strike proclaimed by Fim-Cisl, Fiom-Cgil and Uilm-Uil was held today in Caserta to demand the relaunch of work and employment in the province. The procession of over 2,000 workers passed through the streets of the city of Campania to Piazza Dante where the rally of workers from companies in crisis in the Caserta area was held.

The absence of local institutions and, in particular, Confindustria’s “disinterest” in the current crisis in the area weighs heavily. “Where are the entrepreneurs? There is a need for responsibility and commitment in this land on the part of everyone and I don’t see this attention and interest in Confindustria”, declared the general secretary of the Fim-Cisl, Ferdinando Uliano, present at the mobilization. “What country are we in where politics is not interested in work and people? We are close and will continue to be close to the workers to support the fight for jobs.”

There are over 10 thousand workers in the area involved in various disputes and crises that have been unresolved for years, including Soflab, Jabil, Firema, Orefice, Whirlpool, PCGA (ex-Magneti Marelli) Snop, Proma to which all the other related companies are added Caserta and the Campania companies. In particular, on the Jabil dispute for which a summit was held at MIMIT yesterday, 12 June, Uliano defined the company’s attitude as “irresponsible”, which took orders from the companies he acquired and then closed them all. And now he wants to do it here in Marcianise too after having done it throughout the country. The government of our country must demand precise industrial responses from the multinational and assume social responsibility.”

The same reasoning applies to Soflab, where “real damage is being done to workers, the territory and the State. We will ask the Government to verify all responsibilities, including legal ones, for the entire operation. Softlab needs an industrial and working solution.” And addressing the governor of Campania, Vincenzo De Luca: “We tell the governor that he organize the parades in Rome with metalworkers and give us a hand, to invest in this land and relaunch work.

“Our country – concludes the Fim-Cisl leader – is poor in electronic industries, here in Caserta we have many companies in this sector and specialized workers must be supported with investments and relaunching employment”.

“Today Caserta is proving to be the capital of dignity in the South of people who have to work to live. We are here because we want to affirm the right to work. The metalworkers and metalworkers are striking today in Caserta to defend work and industry. The South needs investments for schools, universities, healthcare and work.” This was stated by the general secretary of Fiom, Michele De Palma. “We ask the Government and the Campania Region to act to avoid the risk of the cancellation of electronics from this territory – he continues -. The workers were victims of speculation and the institutions stood by and watched.”

The problem, however, is that throughout the South there is the risk of industrial desertification. “After Caserta we must build a united national initiative to claim the right to industrial work in the South – adds De Palma – because work is the only true antidote to crime. We will deploy, together with Fim and Uilm, all the democratic tools necessary to support the fight for the dignity and work of metalworkers in the South of our country. We fight for work, legality, wages and dignity.”


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