Pordenone. Twenty-year-old raped by an immigrant as she returns home at the end of her work shift

Pordenone. Twenty-year-old raped by an immigrant as she returns home at the end of her work shift
Pordenone. Twenty-year-old raped by an immigrant as she returns home at the end of her work shift

PORDENONE – Adam and Eve Bridge, between Saturday and Sunday night, darkness and silence broken only by the passing of cars. It’s one in the morning and, despite it being a weekend, there is no one in the Santissima area. A girl has finished work and is returning home. She is tired, she can’t wait to rest. She walks immersed in her thoughts, there are only a few hundred meters left and she will be home. The most horrendous of nightmares breaks out once you cross the bridge, when a stranger attacks her and drags her into the vegetation of the Noncello embankment. She screams, tries to defend herself, but can do nothing against the fury that is abusing her. The young woman, not even twenty years old, was forced to suffer sexual violence a stone’s throw from the center by an immigrant who the Carabinieri of the Pordenone Company have been trying to identify for four days.


The girl is in shock when she calls 112. She needs help, treatment and psychological assistance. In addition to the healthcare personnel, a patrol of Radiomobile soldiers also intervenes. The police collect the first useful elements to start the search for the rapist in the center and in the immediate vicinityalong the ring, in the station, in the Grazie and Borgomeduna districts. In the emergency room, the operational protocol is activated which indicates the medical-legal procedures to be followed in the event of sexual violence, so as to correctly manage the data that will have evidential relevance. The victim was never left alone at Santa Maria degli Angeli and received all the assistance necessary in these terrible cases.


At the moment the only certain fact is that the attacker is an immigrant. He may have followed the girl from the moment she left her job, stalking her until she passed the Noncello, where she then ambushed her. The investigators examined all the municipal cameras present in the historic center and in the area of ​​the attack in the hope of identifying the rapist as he chased the victim from the moment he left work to the Adam and Eve bridge. There is maximum confidentiality regarding the case. Much is also expected from the analysis of the girl’s clothing, where it is expected to find biological traces of the stranger, useful elements when there should be the possibility of carrying out a genetic comparison with a suspect.


The case of the nurse who was attacked at night, at the end of her shift, while she was going to get her car dates back to exactly one year ago. The woman reacted despite being thrown to the ground and managed to call 112 and to directly report the sexual violence he was suffering. She still managed to free herself while he tried to cover her mouth and bite his finger. It was at that moment that she managed to call the single emergency number. When the immigrant realized that he was talking to the State Police, he ran away towards Viale Venezia. He was stopped shortly afterwards in via Brentella in Porcia. Azeem Hussain, 23 years old, a Pakistani asylum seeker who had been welcomed in the center in via Comina 1 in Pordenone, was sentenced to 4 years and 6 months in prison for sexual assault last January. The Court ordered his expulsion at the end of his sentence. Also last June, some women from Pordenone reported having been harassed or approached on the street, in the evening or at night, by an immigrant who demanded sexual services.


With Saturday night’s case, fear returns to the city. The Santissima area is very popular – both during the day and in the evening – by immigrants, especially Afghans and Pakistanis from whom anyone can buy drugs. The banks of the Noncello have become their meeting place and it matters little if the police continue to carry out checks. Also on Saturday, around 7pm, two factions of immigrants faced each other in Viale Treviso, near the railway underpass: two were stabbed. These are situations that generate insecurity. And not only among women who pass through the area on foot or by bicycle.


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The Gazzettino

PORDENONE – Adam and Eve Bridge, between Saturday and Sunday night, darkness and silence broken only by the passing of cars. It’s 1am and, despite it being a weekend, in…

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