Prato, the border between the right and left of the Tyrrhenian Sea runs along the Bisenzio

Prato, the border between the right and left of the Tyrrhenian Sea runs along the Bisenzio
Prato, the border between the right and left of the Tyrrhenian Sea runs along the Bisenzio

LAWN. To the west the granary of votes for the centre-left, at Pietà and Castellina the reserve of consensus for the centre-right. The names of the candidates change, but the voting habits of the people of Prato do not change that much, which once again confirmed trends already seen in the past, linked above all to the socio-economic condition of those who go to the polls.

So this time the voting map for the election of the mayor and the renewal of the city council is a little more colored red (associated with Ilaria Bugetti) and a little less blue (Gianni Cenni), but certain drawings can be seen again and they are the same as always.

What is most striking, the fault that marks the border between centre-right and centre-left, runs along the Bisenzio. In section 54 of the Pietà Cenni it comes close to 62%, in the 56 it is close to 60%, in the 48 and 49 of the Castellina, and also in the 51 of Filettole similar numbers arrive. But just cross the river and the world turns upside down: at 40 Viale Galilei it is Ilaria Bugetti who exceeds 60%. Same goes for 3 and 24 along the same avenue. On one side the villas surrounded by greenery, on the other the tall brick condominiums. Two worlds that look at each other and, politically, do not understand each other. Coiano, with its Casa del Popolo, is a place in the heart of the Prato left, and in fact here the centre-left candidate scores with 56%, but also in the 44 of Santa Lucia it comes close to 57%. But nearby there is one of the few blue islands, section 42 where Cenni almost reaches 50%, leaving Bugetti behind.

There is another beautiful blue spot in Chinatown, sections 13, 15, 107 and 108 between via Pistoiese, via Filzi, via Umberto Giordano. Here Cenni takes home a decent advantage, but it is not the Chinese who vote for the centre-right candidate because few Chinese can vote due to the ban on dual citizenship. If anything, they are the “survivors” of Prato who perhaps don’t want the Chinese. But these are sections, precisely, where few people vote and therefore the advantage that Cenni derives from it is relative.

The other blue spots can be counted on the fingers of one hand. They are found close to the centre, section 92 along Via Roncioni, 85 close to Soccorso, 80 behind Via Valentini. And there is an isolated one in the sea of ​​red, Capezzana’s 77, where the centre-right candidate obtains an absolute majority.

But the popular neighborhoods are Ilaria Bugetti’s hunting ground: San Paolo, Borgonuovo, Chiesanuova, Narnali, Maliseti, up to Galceti and Figline. There’s no passing here. Here Cenni never manages to get close to 40% and this is where he loses, because these are the most populous sections, which no longer support the centre-left. At section 102 of Viaccia Bugetti reaches 64.19% leaving Cenni at 32.68%, but this is not where he sets the record. It does so on the other side of the city, at 163 between Querce and Gonfienti, where it reaches 65.47%, leaving Cenni below 30%.

Cenni which is consoled a little to the south with sections 131 and 176 of Tavola, where it prevails. 131, in particular, is the first to have communicated the results to the electoral office on Monday afternoon, and it was the one that gave the only thrill in a count which was then channeled almost immediately towards the final outcome.

Thanks to the west, but also a little to the east of the Municipality: Paperino, Santa Maria a Colonica, San Giorgio a Colonica. Here too, Bugetti’s approval regularly exceeds 55% and decrees a success that was not foreseen in the first round, with the exception of the Emg Different poll, that of 23 May, which gave the centre-left candidate 50%. Poll contested by the centre-right but evidently wrongly. Both Gianni Cenni and Giorgio Silli said they had other numbers in hand. A SWG survey, which however did not prove accurate enough. L

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