The Emilia-Romagna Region becomes part of the MIC Foundation

The Emilia-Romagna Region becomes a member of the Foundation that manages the International Ceramics Museum in Faenza. The Legislative Assembly approved the Council’s bill establishing the direct participation of the Region in the MIC Foundation.

The provision provides for the Region to become part of the Foundation’s shareholder structure with a participation of euros 100 thousandand with an annual contribution of 50 thousand euros for the three-year period 2024-2025-2026.

After 2026, the annual contribution will be established within the availability annually authorized by the regional budget law.

“We have approved one very important law for our territory, a well-constructed and well-made bill that enhances a Museum that is a heritage of the entire regionexplains the majority rapporteur, Manuela Rontini (PD).

“For the Faenza Museum the Region follows what has already been done for the Meis and the Cineteca di Bologna: this bill enhances an important reality such as the Foundation and confirms the link between the Region and the Faenza area on a theme such as culture, well represented by the Ceramics Museum, which is unique in the world.

It is a great result to be able to complete the law that allows the Region to join the Foundation that manages the Ceramics Museum: Faenza is ceramics, ceramics is Faenzathe Region’s commitment is going in the right direction.”

This is an important law, even if it would have been better to approve it years ago, and Emilia-Romagna needs to put more resources into it. However, better late than never: now we must also extend collaboration with the governmentor, with the Ministry of Culture in the first place: we presented an agenda in this sense, which the Assembly approved. Faenza has a very beautiful museum which must be increasingly valorised”, explains the minority rapporteur Andrea Liverani (League).

Our Region is the region of ceramics, ceramics unites Emilia-Romagna: the industrial one in Sassuolo, the artistic one in Faenza. It is good to valorise this sector”, he explains Luca Cuoghi (Fdi).

In support of the importance of the Region’s choice, the Councilor for Culture Mauro Felicori mentioned the history and activities of the Foundation.

“The Region – explained the councilor – does not want to centrally manage the territory, on the contrary it intends to put itself at the service of important realities such as that of Faenza: Emilia-Romagna is already moving internationally, we would like Faenza to benefit from it too. Faenza is the name of ceramics, we would like the results of this law to be the result of the work of the entire Legislative Assembly”.

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