Letters to AltriPagine | Corigliano-Rossano: to a courageous woman – AltriPagine

Letters to AltriPagine | Corigliano-Rossano: to a courageous woman – AltriPagine
Letters to AltriPagine | Corigliano-Rossano: to a courageous woman – AltriPagine

CORIGLIANO-ROSANO – He won stasis, time standing stillthe things that don’t move forward, as they have always done here in the South and especially in certain small towns like ours, which only has a large number of inhabitants.

Given by an unhappy assemblage of two countries that from time immemorial have been enemies, opposites, different in terms of values, traditions, customs, an assemblage intended to screw the Coriglianese of their wealth and slowly transfer it to Rossano, with the Coriglianese who allowed themselves to be screwed because most sheep.

The Coriglianese have once again lent their support to all this (other than free!) and those who haven’t understood it are still wandering around in the hamster wheel.

It applies here ignorance, delinquency, mental prostitutionall underlying characteristics non-culturefavorable terrain for those who want to take advantage:

come people, please take a seat in the big circus!!!

A big mistake was made five years ago, but to persevere for the second time is truly evil!

Yet the gab perhaps camouflaged the air with falsehood, with the usual promises that, if you smelled it well, the smell should have arrived. Yet he made it, supported by power and by those who wanted and still want Corigliano not to grow, not to move forward, to remain backward, anchored to two crumbs thrown there, now it’s a bit of bitumen in these run-down streets, now it’s a summer concert to make the local young people happy, now it’s a street lamp placed in a dark place on a street that no one had ever lit up.

And then?

Are these the duties of a mayor?

Peopleaccustomed to years of previous administrations in which these four things were not done, he saw the Madonna!

The fault is not entirely theirs, it lies with ignorance, with the smallness to which they are accustomed, with the inability to have a different perspective, with who suggested, recommended and forced him to vote for this rather than that.

It’s the fault of who is at the top, and directed and concluded the gamesbefore the electoral challenge even began, and now, those like me who can still think, we ask ourselves:

why this woman was proposedwho had also fought her personal battle years ago and is ‘clean’ according to the law, who now had an honorable job, who accepted this challenge out of love for his city (who cheated on her). Why?

Why did those close to her promise to support her and then it wasn’t done?

Perhaps because she was the only one who could make him win.

For the shadows of the past, which they skillfully made hover among the people (ignorant people indeed)for the exhilaration created in young people who don’t even know who they went to vote for, but perhaps recognize him from Max Pezzali’s concert.

You did well!

You have thought about the future of your city and your children.

Enjoy the celebrations and the next two summer concerts, they will be the only things you will have from your mayor, who will slowly leave you in your underwear, plundering any asset and possibility of growth of this city of ours, destined to be, by this administration, the outskirts of Rossano, but you can’t understand it, on the other hand you have confirmed it, unless you abandon yourself first for a more attractive place, but in any case, I wish you so from the bottom of my heart!

Signed letter

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