“The Democratic Party agrees with us. We talk about politics and the city, they respond with the usual judicial exploitation”

“The Democratic Party agrees with us. We talk about politics and the city, they respond with the usual judicial exploitation”
“The Democratic Party agrees with us. We talk about politics and the city, they respond with the usual judicial exploitation”

«As we wanted to demonstrate. The Democratic Party of the administrative disasters that have negatively characterized the last 20 years of the history of our province is simply unable to talk about politics and correct administrative management. Aware of his own failures, he continues to divert the discussion onto the improvident terrain of hypocritical justice.”

Thus begins the note with which the candidate for mayor of the civic coalition made up of “We are Avellino”, “Really” and “Viva la Libertà”, Laura Nargi, replies to yet another disorderly attack signed, this time, by an unspecified person “PD group”. «I had hoped to have already clarified during the countless interviews given on the subject of the investigations concerning the Municipality of Avellino and after the last and unpleasant invective addressed to me by the centre-left candidate for mayor, Antonio Gengaro, – declares Nargi – that the trials are in the courtrooms and that we are profoundly respectful of the investigations that the judiciary is legitimately conducting. Having said this, considering it necessary to talk to citizens about themes and proposals for the Avellino of the future – adds Nargi – precisely with respect to the theme of the correct management of public affairs, I cited the negative examples represented by the 200 million debts contracted by Alto Calore led Pd, from the Asidep disaster recorded still under Democrat management and from the dissolution of the Municipality of Monteforte due to mafia infiltration, equally led by a mayor of the Democratic Party”.

«But the usual refrain started. – continues Nargi – Not being able to refute these concrete examples of bad management, the unspecified PD group once again brought up a judicial question. Inherent, this time, High Heat. But in this way – Nargi insists – he created two masterpieces in one fell swoop: on the one hand, he proved us right, confirming the obsession with investigations and the emptiness of the political proposal; on the other hand, he forgot what we, out of guarantees and institutional courtesy, had omitted in the previous statement. That is, that investigation also and above all concerns the former president of Alto Calore, a member of the Democratic Party. What can I say, chapeau.”

«It is in the final stages – continues Laura Nargi – that the ineffable democratic councilors gave their best. Going so far as to argue that “the people of Avellino cannot be interested in anything about the procedural truth”. A statement as serious as it is lunar – stigmatizes Nargi – which best summarizes the degree of short-sightedness and envy to which some have reached, but above all the total absence of a culture of guarantees and even the slightest respect for the social importance of the work of judges. The people of Avellino do not deserve such barbarity. But once again they will be the ones to judge.”

Moreover – insists the candidate for mayor of “We are Avellino”, “Really” and “Viva la Libertà” – we had noticed that the self-styled PD group was not in top shape right from the opening lines of the statement, also with respect to the style ungrammatical and some rather glaring oversights. At least for city councilors who are so expert in the city administration and the Municipality. To these profound connoisseurs of Avellino, champions of good administration and justicialism every other day and politicians, I would like to remind you that, in the previous council, I held the position of deputy mayor with responsibility for Productive Activities, Personnel, Commerce and Tourism. Never to Heritage, as they mistakenly write. But perhaps asking the PD group for a minimum of administrative competence is really too much. Having clarified this – he concludes – we will continue to talk about our program and politics, leaving the mud and judicial exploitation to them”.

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