Benevento, Iannace, Capuano and Panunzi hand over the delegations to the Province

Benevento, Iannace, Capuano and Panunzi hand over the delegations to the Province
Benevento, Iannace, Capuano and Panunzi hand over the delegations to the Province

Just an early summer storm, or is there something deeper? The next few days will tell whether the delegations will be returned to the president Nino Lombardi by the provincial councilors Nascenzio Iannace, Antonio Capuano and Umberto Panunzio it could be classified as a temporary fibrillation, or instead the fracture entirely within the Mastellians could lead to repercussions. The leaders of Noi di Centro and Lombardi himself assure that this is a question limited to the Rocca and the operational viability of the tasks assigned last February 1st. And the timing chosen to return the proxies, i.e. after the polls were closed and the vote had been evaluated, suggests that in fact there is no desire to proceed with a sensational change. No earthquake, so. But the story nevertheless demonstrates that there is some uneasiness among the broad Mastellian ranks.


A position that, moreover, had been smoldering for weeks under the ashes Rock. Capuano (delegate for relations with the Union of the Provinces of Italy, energy policies, transport, tourism, events and museum promotion, relations with investee companies), Panunzio (Environment, waste cycle, civil protection, youth policies), e Iannace (public works, urban planning, social welfare areas) had long expressed strong discontent over the de facto impossibility of exercising the powers assigned to them after their re-election in Advise. Delegations which would in practice be honorific titles and nothing more. In the remission note, Iannace talks about «reasons strictly personal“, specifying that it is an “irrevocable resignation”.

Same formula for Capuano And Panunzio. From the Mastellian headquarters a profession of confidence is made, highlighting how, for example, Iannace accompanied the return with the full reaffirmation of political trust: «I confirm – wrote the mayor of San Leucio del Sannioesteem and closeness to Clemente Mastella, and I will continue my political commitment alongside the leader of Noi di Centro also in the Provincial Council, convinced that he is the only leader who can restore hope to the territory”. Convincing reassurances have arrived in the last few hours, guarantees the Mastellian headquarters, also from Capuano and Panunzio.

The latter in particular confirms: «I have a very solid relationship with Mastellaon a human and political level, and this decision does not in the least affect the trust I place in the political and administrative project undertaken, both in Province that in Common. The delegations remained purely formal. When it comes to waste, I regularly find myself unable to influence the processes.” In the evening, then, the note with three signatures that seems to sweep away the shadows: «The events of the Province regarding the delegations have no political relevance. Our leader is one: Clemente Mastella, period» jointly declare Capuano, Panunzio and Iannace.

The aim is to mend things quickly: «We will try to understand how to recompose the picture – declare the president Lombardi and the other Mastellian councilor at Rocca, the NDC provincial secretary Carmine Agostinelli – The three colleagues never questioned their belonging or support, but rather the objective difficulties relating to the exercise of delegations. We are convinced that the councilors will soon find the best conditions to be able to exercise the mandate and delegations granted.”


And the storm that took place yesterday in Forza Italia was also announced. The provincial secretary Francesco Maria Rubano he revoked the position of deputy secretary of the ad party with a lapidary one-line communication Arturo Leone Vernillomayor of Saint Nicholas Manfredi: «I hereby inform you of the revocation of the position of deputy provincial secretary of Forza Italia». Seventeen words in all, even too many for They steal which he had in his sights Vernillo for some time now due to the announced disengagement during the electoral campaign. Fully confirmed by reading the data: in San Nicola Manfredi, the United States of Europe, an offshoot of the San Nicola administration, prevailed, leaving Forza Italia in sixth place. And in a social message, Vernillo hinted that unfulfilled commitments may have been at the basis of the choices: «I am learning of my revocation from a position which in fact has always remained formal. Many things have been said, perhaps others have been done. But I don’t deny anything. The provincial secretary, to whom I have my undiminished esteem and human respect, has decided thus. No grudge. On the contrary. Good luck for everything”.


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