There are many center forwards in Parma orbit, but are we sure that Pecchia will ask Krause for a first striker?

There are many center forwards in Parma orbit, but are we sure that Pecchia will ask Krause for a first striker?
There are many center forwards in Parma orbit, but are we sure that Pecchia will ask Krause for a first striker?

In fact, the summer transfer window has not yet opened its doors, but rumors regarding possible interests and concrete negotiations between clubs and various players have been underway for weeks. Parma is certainly not excluded from these dynamics, by virtue of the fact that the newly promoted Gialloblù will certainly be called upon to strengthen the squad that will face the next Serie A tournament, also keeping in mind the ambition of the corporate project carried out by Krause. Recently, in fact, there have been several and with the most disparate profiles the names linked to the Crusaders: from the alter ego of Chichizola to the left-footed winger useful to replace the departures of Ansaldi and Zagaritis, passing through the central defense who can bring experience and solidity to the department and the piece in midfield suitable for raising the quality level of the midfield, without forgetting the much talked about full-time striker who in recent days has been the great protagonist in the discussions of the ducal fans. Well, this is exactly what I wanted to get to and in this regard a question arises: but are we sure that Pecchia wants a first striker? Let me explain better: it is clear that for a squad to be complete it also needs to have centre-forwards, but this does not mean that the identity of the team and the tactical structure chosen by the coach must necessarily depend on the figure of the classic number nine. Parma, which dominated Serie B this year, had Colak and Charpentier among its ranks and despite their presence the coach almost always preferred other profiles in the role of attacking midfielder. In the thirty-eight matches of the calendar played during the recently concluded season, only on eight occasions did the coach decide to rely on one of the two from the first minute, instead setting up the remaining thirty matches from the start with men who maneuver and are able to vary throughout the offensive front like Bonny, Mihaila and Benedyczak.

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It is true that considering Pecchia’s tendency towards frequent rotations even during the match in progress, both the Croatian and the former Frosinone player still managed to carve out their spaces. As I said a few lines above, obviously it will be necessary to have a striker on staff who is up to the tasks that await us and a transfer from the transfer market will probably arrive, but thinking of making a major investment in a pure center forward would seem like a stretch to me. I’ll give you an example: if I were the president and I bought a player for, what do I know, 15 million euros – this is the amount that Sassuolo is asking for Pinamonti and, presumably, also the value of Pohjanpalo he won’t deviate too much from these numbers – I would then expect to see him play in the league, in the Italian Cup, in midweek friendlies and I would also be ready to recommend him to all my friends as the priority purchase to make in fantasy football. Well, in my opinion it would become a significant burden for the coach who would feel almost forced to revolutionize a game system that is now well-established and which has finally found the much desired form. I don’t know, without a doubt something will have to be done because we cannot think of facing Serie A as newly promoted players with the same team as the previous year, but I consider it complicated and perhaps counterproductive to imagine allocating large sums of money for a first striker who would risk either not to be central and protagonist in the project or to upset the balance of the current eleven. In any case, I am sure that Pecchia and the club are completely aligned on the decisions to be made and whoever arrives will be the result of a unanimous idea and a shared choice.

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