Palermo, twenty years since the birth of Addiopizzo

Palermo, twenty years since the birth of Addiopizzo
Palermo, twenty years since the birth of Addiopizzo

PALERMO – It recurs today the 20th year of association Addiopizzoaimed at help those That they report the demands for protection money.

This night we went back for the streets of Palermo to renew a tradition that has been with us for two decades and Repost a new message“.

The objectives of the association

This is how much say the guys from Addiopizzothe association that in 2004 has launched a Campaign against extortion rackets posting in the city posters with the writing “A people who pay protection money is a people without dignity” and starting a series of initiatives to assist/support entrepreneurs and traders who decided to report demands for protection money.

Some statements

Over the course of these twenty years – we read in the advertising note on social media by the association – There have been countless moments in which we have upholstered in full Night the city of Palermo. From the historic center to Brancaccio, from Noce to San Lorenzo passing through Resuttana, Pagliarelli and many other areas of the city with messages and contents that wanted stimulate even one reflection. Twenty years later, the night just gone by saw us return to the streets, through the historic center of Palermo between Via Maqueda, Corso Vittorio Emanuele, Via Emerico Amari and Via Isidoro La Lumia. Places where a urban changeproductive and social whose impact is unprecedented in the history of Palermo”.

“And change where you are from generated a new and important economy that has its pivot in the tourist use of the places in the historic center”. Streets from which – the Addiopizzo guys continue – Tonight, in addition to renewing the historical message, we would like to ask and share a question that is anything but rhetoricwith public opinion, the economic fabric and the political class of this city. Without claiming to give answers but with the will, this time too, to open a reflection. What economy for these city streets?”.

The importance of “making a difference”

In an interview with Sicilian newspaperthe importance of the is highlighted gesture that these young people, inspired at the time by Free Grassialso underlined by the Palermo prosecutor Maurizio De Lucia which also takes stock of these twenty years. “The requests for lace we continue to record them although, fortunately, in an increasingly less pervasive manner. The merit of Addiopizzoof which today we celebrate the twentieth anniversary, is to have built a system that has helped many operators to free themselves from the yoke that oppressed them. Now i mafiosi they reflect carefully on what their objectives are, that is, they only go to those who have demonstrated availability towards them, keeping away from those who might denounce them“.


Today is scheduled to Palermo the inauguration of the exhibition “Goodbye 20” al No Mafia Memorial of Corso Vittorio Emanuele.

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