The “Caduta nel Passato” tour with author Adele Ross stops in Turate

Adele Ross, author from Gerenzano, continues the promotional tour of her novel “Caduta nel Passato”. The month of July will see her protagonist in Turate, where readers will have the opportunity to meet her in person.

Date and Place of the Event:

Saturday 6 July 2024
At UL CARTULÉE, Via Libertà 29, 22078 Turate (Como)

Meeting Times:

Morning: from 10.00 am
Afternoon: from 4.00 pm
During the event, the author will be available for a book signing and to discuss writing, books, and time travel with readers. It will be an unmissable opportunity for literature enthusiasts to get to know Adele Ross up close and discover the secrets behind her success.

Who is the author:

Adele Ross is the pseudonym of Cecilia SD Rossi, born and raised in Legnano. She moved near Busto Arsizio for study and work reasons in the publishing sector, starting her first business in 2004. Today he lives and works in Gerenzano. Eclectic writer, Adele Ross loves to experiment with different genres and has published her books since 1993, both in self-publishing and with traditional publishers. After a period of promotion mainly online, you are now organizing a series of in-person events to regain direct contact with your readers. Her books are available in both ebook and paperback formats. To download the complete catalog of her books, you can visit her official website.

A few words about the book:

“Fallen into the Past” is the first volume of the series of the same name written by Adele Ross. This historical and fantastic adventure novel tells the story of Nuala Foster, a young London woman, rational and disenchanted. Nuala, modern and practical, finds herself catapulted into Victorian London where, in addition to clashing with everything that her rationality has always rejected, she will have to deal with a reality very distant from the one she is used to. The novel explores the theme of time travel and offers readers a fascinating immersion in a historical era full of contrasts.

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