thieves burgle homes “helped” by Instagram

thieves burgle homes “helped” by Instagram
thieves burgle homes “helped” by Instagram

We have seen her many times in her afternoon broadcast on Rai Uno, The right timeaddressing the issue of the caution that one should have online, to avoid scams and bad adventures. Catherine Balivo she has always warned her audience of the traps they can fall into and in some way, in these hours, perhaps she was the one who fell into them.

No scam, but a burglary. His. A Romain the area Parioliwhile the presenter was enjoying a well-deserved day of relaxation in family holiday in Spaina Barcelona. Between contemporary art exhibitions, walks on the Ramblas, churros and paella de mariscos, Caterina Balivo experienced the most of a beautiful holiday in a city that offers a lot to visitors from all over the world. And in fact we all saw her, smiling and relaxed, savoring every moment of the trip to Catalonia. We saw it, the many fans and followers saw it and, unfortunately for the presenter, most likely, the thieves also saw it who, certain of its absence, broke into her Roman home to ransack it looking for anything that might have value.

The return from Barcelona was as bitter as it gets for the presenter, who this morning personally went to the Villa Glori police station to report the theft. According to the first reconstructions, reported by Corriere della Serahave been stolen Rolex, jewelry and some bags worth. The thieves would have entered through the balcony window on the fourth floor and blocked the entrance door.

According to investigators, a gang responsible for several thefts in the area in recent times took action in Caterina Balivo’s apartment.

The loot from the theft is said to have amounted to approximately 300 thousand euros in value. The presenter shares her misadventure with other famous people who have suffered the same fate while away from home, such as, most recently, Stash from The Colors.

Truly a bitter surprise afterwards carefree and happy days, which reminds everyone to act prudently when we post our photos, our data, the story of our lives online. Because on the other side, among those who look at them, there may not only be fans and harmless albeit hateful keyboard lions ready to criticize every post, but also bad guys who study our moves and, especially in the summer, our movements, to take advantage of prolonged periods of absence.

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