Cult of Santa Venera / Acireale still relies on the protection of the Patron Saint

Cult of Santa Venera / Acireale still relies on the protection of the Patron Saint
Cult of Santa Venera / Acireale still relies on the protection of the Patron Saint

In a historical context where there are no longer any values ​​and references to follow, Venera, like many other saints, is a model that can be relied on by those who are looking for positive examples to take as a reference.
When the cult of Santa Venera appeared in the Aci territory, this area already had other protectors. Among these Maria Santissima Annunziata, then venerated in a small chapel in the current historic center of Acireale.
What happened at the end of the 1400s was certainly miraculous, in addition of course to the historical-cultural reasons of the time, because the cult of Santa Venera was grafted into our area, chosen by a people as their protector in a context of great economic and social development.

The cult of Saint Venera and the Fiera Franca

The life of this Saint is full of historical doubts and even more unlikely presences in our territory. Despite this, however, Acireale entrusts its protection to Santa Venera.
In the area of Santa Venera al Pozzowhere the waters were considered miraculous because they were contaminated by the alleged martyrdom of Venera in that place, the Fiera Franca developed in parallel, becoming in those years one of the most important fairs in the center-south, and the cult of Santa Venera. Both inextricably linked by reasons inherent to the specific territory.
The great success of the Fiera Franca, under the careful protection of Santa Venera, pushed the population to form the current historic center of Acireale as the most suitable location for the market and the veneration of the Virgin and Martyr. A growing territory with great development prospects, chose Santa Venera as its patron saint in 1651.

The Saint, for her part, seemed to have lived to become the patron saint of Acireale. So much so as to induce the council and the clergy of that period to certify Venera’s citizenship of Acea. And also to ratify the dubious events of her life as they passed in the territory under Etna.
So even the creation of the major iconographic and cult symbol, that is, the simulacrum, had to recall the half-bust of Agata, patron saint of Catania. Saint who, after some controversies, was declared a citizen of Catania with enormous joy and pride of the people of Catania.

If Catania had its own citizen who was the patron saint of the city, Acireale could not be any less. So at the beginning the idea was forced that Venera had at least lived in Acireale. This theory gained the favor of the nobles of the time who thus did not see themselves diminished in comparison to the nobles of Catania in terms of patronage and protection.

The candles are an integral part of the feast of Santa Venera

The alternating events of the feast of Santa Venera

The feast of Saint Venera it thus took on an elegant, majestic, noble and rich form. In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries it was a large, participatory celebration, known in many parts of Italy and with a vast array of events and appointments. A celebration felt and loved also by the people, pride of the city, source of considerable economic revenue. And finally an integral and fundamental part of the city’s development.
For still unclear reasons, all trace of all this was lost in the mid-twentieth century. For thirty years the festival has returned to its former splendor even if it struggles to regain the popular following that characterized it originally.

Also this year the Deputation of the Royal Chapel of Santa Venera in synergy with the Municipality and the Diocese, has prepared a rich program in keeping with tradition.
The appointments are the usual ones, embellished by the exhibition of the reliquary containing the first relic of the Patron Saint that arrived in Acireale in 1648.
The most anticipated days of the festival will be July 25th and 26th. With the external tour, through different neighborhoods of Acireale, of the Patron Saint on the silver fercolo accompanied by the candles of the ancient corporations and in the solemnity of Santa Venera. On the 26th, the solemn pontifical presided over by Msgr. Francesco Moraglia, patriarch of Venice. And in the evening the tour of honor or noble of the fercolo through the historic center of Acireale.

Antonio Trovato

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