“We fight with concrete actions on the territory”

“We fight with concrete actions on the territory”
“We fight with concrete actions on the territory”

June 12, 2024 4:40 pm

“Despite our commitment to the European elections, we have not missed the “copy and paste” ordinance issued a few days ago by the Prefect of Catanzaro, probably made by some prefectural bureaucrat, on vacuum trucks, which limits their circulation in the evening and night hours And then, starting from the assumption that during the last weekend a large part of the Ionian coast of Catanzaro was affected by the “dirty sea” phenomenon, the question is: what effect does the ordinance of the Prefect of Catanzaro have on the phenomenon of poor purification? these terms the answer is clear: zero!” he writes in a note Eugenio Riccio, Leader of the League in the Municipality of Catanzaro and Provincial Councilor of Catanzaro.

“If in fact it is unimaginable to think that a sewage truck could discharge sewage into the sea (and how could it do so from the port? from the beach?), – he continues – it seems completely clear that, paradoxically, the prefect’s ordinance “rewards” the companies of the vacuum cleaners who are not obliged to guarantee the on-call and emergency service in the evening and at night given the ban on driving, the short circuit that this prefectural ordinance actually creates is evident, because in the event of an emergency during those hours at night one is forced to request an “exemption” from the Prefect, thus causing unnecessary delays in intervening perhaps in emergency situations. We are perhaps far from the truth in thinking that the apical structures of the State still proceed to issue ordinances with the procedure of “copy and paste”, year after year, without evaluating its real usefulness?




“If it appears evident that, – he explains – especially in the summer period, the purifiers “more or less work”, given the huge resources that the Calabria Region invests in their maintenance every year, it is clear that the real cancer of the poor purification is due to the discharges The institutions, at all levels, Prosecutors, Prefects and Region President, must force the Mayors to monitor the territory with all available forces to find, one by one, all the illegal dumping in order to eliminate them after having reported those responsible. “.


“It is good to keep this in mind that bad purification is not fought with “Mexican” model administrative and bureaucratic procedures but with deeds and actions that commit all the institutions, from the central to the territorial ones, to guarantee legality with strong contrast initiatives and concrete, to the phenomenon of illegal dumping. I take this opportunity to invite the Prefect of Catanzaro to review the ordinance in question with extreme urgency, also remaining available for further face-to-face information, and I invite all the Mayors of the Ionian coast. Catanzaro to immediately activate the right operations to combat those who pollute our sea”, concludes Riccio.

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