in Bologna the result is “extraordinary”


In Bologna, and in the rest of Emilia-Romagna, the result of the Greens and Left Alliance is “extraordinary”. They said it Silvia Zamboni And Paolo Galletti, respectively councilor in the Region and spokesperson for Green Europe in the aftermath of the European elections. “In this era marked by disasters due to extreme weather phenomena and the ecological crisis – say Zamboni and Galletti – the clarity and coherence of truly ecological programmatic objectives must be the obligatory path for the continuation of the Avs alliance also in view of the next elections regional”. And in fact the percentages were very high: 9.5% in Parma, even 12% in Bologna. And again: over 40% among non-resident students and third party at national level (16%) after PD and M5S among voters in the 18-29 age group.

Bonaccini, Meloni, Vannacci, Santoro & co: how many votes did they receive? Bologna

According to the regional leaders of the Greens, what was rewarded was “both the active presence and our proposals in the Legislative Assembly, and the capacity to govern in the cities where we are in the council, and the rooting in territorial disputes, such as that against fossil energy in Ravenna, the defense of the Don Bosco park and the commitment against noise pollution at the Marconi airport in Bologna”.

But if in the Region the Greens are a government force, in the Municipality of Bologna they represent the opposition. This peculiarity is further accentuated by the ‘boost’ that the Greens and Left Alliance received from a government force such as the Civic Coalition, especially on the candidacy of Ilaria Salis. He spoke about this dichotomy Davide Celli, municipal councilor of the Sole Che Laughing: in Bologna, Avs “brought home over 21 thousand votes and this seems to me to be a result which, in addition to having gone well beyond all expectations, represents a strong and clear signal that the readers have sent to the majority who governs Bologna” writes Dire, reporting Celli’s words. “Avs, which presents itself in this Council with a civic nuance, is evidently a party of struggle and government and we Greens represent the struggle. It would be nice if we didn’t have to fight every time and go to the hardware store to buy chains to save the trees in a public park like Don Bosco. But if this happens, a healthy internal discussion and a government struggle are welcome.” Meanwhile, “what the voters asked of us is this: to discuss internally. If at a national level Avs gets 7% and here 12% – continues Celli – there must be a reason. Do we want to see it or not? Do we want to continue to think that this is a laboratory and that I don’t always bother you for anything?”. The votes of Bologna, concludes Celli, “have told us that they want to remain on the left but do not share some policies that erode public greenery, consume soil, besiege traders and leave us abandoned to the summer heat”.

European elections, the results in the North-East constituency and in Bologna

The very positive result of Avs was also commented on by Emily Clancy, deputy mayor of Bologna and maximum expression of that civic coalition that blew the sails of Bonelli and Fratoianni. “Avs is the surprise of these European elections – underlines the deputy mayor – the Schlein-led Democratic Party is also growing, while the centrist proposals which had been pursued for years by some personalities and political forces prisoners of neoliberalism are declining”. Instead, “the data speaks clearly: when the left raises its head and proposes radical and ecological candidates and proposals, people find motivation and hope again. A fact not to be underestimated also from a regional election perspective. Throughout Italy there is a demand for the ecological left – says Clancy – and the progressive camp is the only alternative to the Meloni government. Our project in Bologna was a political laboratory for the whole country.”

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