Spazio Donne Crotone receives a visit from the Secretary of Spi Cgil

Spazio Donne Crotone receives a visit from the Secretary of Spi Cgil
Spazio Donne Crotone receives a visit from the Secretary of Spi Cgil

The National Secretary Spi CGIL Tania Scacchetti visited the Chamber of Labor of Crotone a Women’s Spacethe service created on the input of Women’s Coordination of Spi Cgil Calabria in order to help women victims of violence, foreigners, in difficulty due to housing or health needs, but also to be a listening and reception centre, an information place and container in which to develop ideas and projects to present to the relevant institutions to encourage inclusion of women in the world of work, promote gender equality and urge new policies and actions that are attentive to gender discrimination.

The Secretary met with the union’s management team and a representation of those who offer their professionalism to support women in need. “Women’s Space – stated Tania Scacchetti – it takes on an even more important value in an area like this and must become a key to affirming a different model. Replacing Public Space recalls the need and urgency to reaffirm the right to a Public Space that takes care of the needs of the population”.

The Center makes use of the collaboration of the Noemi Cooperative and the Baubó association, organizations that have long been operating in the Crotone area in defense of women and It operates every Wednesday from 3pm to 6pm, in synergy with Auser Crotone Spi Cgil Area Vasta, Cgil Area Vasta Public Function and professionals. Inside, women find, among other things, legal and social security assistance.

“It deals with – stated the Secretary General Carmelo Gullìof a place-sentinel for the territory created by women for women, to listen, intercept needs and then work to provide answers”. “This Space – added the head of Women’s Coordination Spi Cgil Calabria Ornella Catalano was born after careful reflection and evaluation. As pensioners we felt obliged to do something for women and young people”.

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