a defender greets, 15 to be evaluated

Work in progress in the Avellino headquarters. Once the season is over and political commitments are behind us, president D’Agostino meets the head of the technical area Perinetti and the sporting director Condò to lay the foundations for the future. We are moving towards the full confirmation of the management, the summit will serve to establish strategies for the next championship. The parties meet to discuss the project and the improvements to be made; the topics will also concern the season ticket campaign and the July retreat in San Gregorio Magno.

Also at the center of the discussion was the future of Michele Pazienza and the market operations to be carried out in the coming weeks. The San Severo coach awaits the summit with the club, but even in this case there is talk of continuity. The club reflects on summer reinforcements, possible confirmations and exits. Sgarbi and Ghidotti say goodbye to the environment, with the former returning to Napoli and the latter to Como, Avellino also finds the players returning from various loans. The one who says goodbye definitively is Illanes who will be redeemed by Carrarese on the sidelines of the promotion to Serie B.

The positions of D’Angelo, Sannipoli, Falbo, D’Amico, Mazzocco, Aya, Maisto and Rizzo remain to be clarified. Added to the long list of players returning from experiences around Italy are the profiles rarely used by the technical staff during the season. Benedetti, back from injury, could win confirmation while with Mulè – who was last on the pitch on 14 February – he could think about saying goodbye. Then there is the Tito situation to evaluate, with the captain losing his starting place towards the end, undermined by Liotti’s growth. And again Llano, Dall’Oglio (already explored by some Lega Pro opponents), Pezzella and Marconi could greet the team. The company will try to get rid of some wages to leave empty slots for purchases.

Meanwhile, Enzo De Vito, former green and white sporting director, should move to Potenza. The manager, after a summit with the owners, is willing to accept the destination: there is a two-year contract on the table. The trail that, in recent hours, led to Casertana seems to be disappearing.

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