The guys from “I’m in it? Fatigue deal” are also returning to Verona

The guys from “I’m in it? Fatigue deal” are also returning to Verona
The guys from “I’m in it? Fatigue deal” are also returning to Verona

From this week the red shirts are back in actionthose of adolescents who until July 26th they will be engaged in around two hundred “mini construction sites” in the city. From the maintenance of playgrounds, to the arrangement of courtyards, green areas, benches and gates, the ‘Am I in?’ project. Fatigue deal started by the late councilor Stefano Bertacco returns for the sixth consecutive summer.

In Verona, but also in other municipalities in the province, children aged between 14 and 19 will be involved in voluntary activities, active citizenship and care for the common good, divided into teams of ten and followed by tutors from the Energie Sociali and L’Albero cooperatives. An initiative also supported through the instrument of Subsidiarity Pacts which sees all eight districts and various associations as protagonists who work together to identify common assets of the city.


Each participating teenager will receive i “good effort” worth fifty euros per week to be spent in participating shops. In total, around 300 young people will be involved in the Municipality of Verona, active from 8.30 to 12.30, from Monday to Friday in various weekly activities to care for the common good.

THE mini construction sites they can range from cleaning inhabited centers and neighborhood streets, to impregnating and painting rides, fences, nursery, elementary and middle school classrooms, and much more. The young participants will be grouped into mixed teams and guided by a young tutor and a handymanan adult volunteer with technical and craft skills.

This week they are three teams have started activities in the 3rd, 5th and 8th District.

“A movement at all levels which will fill the summer of boys and girls with enthusiasm and meaning – declares the councilor for youth policies Jacopo Buffolo –. A project which, combined with the Subsidiarity Pacts, is a wonderful opportunity to involve young people in active citizenship. The common goods of the city are the heritage of everyone and it is therefore up to every citizen to take care of them. The ‘mini construction sites’ are identified with the collaboration of the Districts, of the active citizens who have a subsidiarity pact with the Municipality of Verona, of the neighbourhoods, of the schools and of the associative world and of the third sector in general”.

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Last edition they were 240 young people participated in the municipal areaand, followed by 16 tutors, 16 host organizations and 5 schools involved.

Inaugurated in 2016 by the Municipality of Bassano del Grappa, the project has achieved greater success every yearreaching approximately 7900 participants in the 2023 edition, with a total of 846 teams of young people engaged in the care and maintenance of common goods in 277 municipalities in Veneto, Marche, Lombardy, Trentino Alto Adige, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Emilia Romagna, Tuscany , Lazio, Puglia, Sardinia.

Yesterday morning the launch of the project for summer 2024 was presented at Palazzo Barbieri by the councilor for youth policies Jacopo Buffolo together with the representatives of the cooperatives Ilaria Andreasi for Social Energy and Francesco Righetti of The Tree. Also present was the president of Agsm Aim Federico Testa project partner, the director of Youth Policies and Equal Opportunities Giuseppe Baratta and the presidents of the 1st Constituencies Lorenzo Dalaiof the 3rd Riccardo Olivieri and the 5th Raimondo Dilara. Representing the 4th District, Councilor Christian Galletta.

READ ALSO: Municipal elections in the province of Verona, all the results

«Agsm Aim is happy to collaborate on this project – declares the president Federico Testa –. I believe that local companies must be committed to social and livability issues as well as supporting the institutions, in this case the Districts, at the forefront in taking care of the city and the needs of citizens.”

The presidents and district councilors expressed unanimous appreciation for the initiative «which has grown and expanded over the years. It’s always nice to see so many young people working to safeguard the common good.”

Active since 2016

Inaugurated in 2016 by the Municipality of Bassano del Grappa, the project has enjoyed increasing success every year, reaching around 7900 participants in the 2023 edition, with a total of 846 teams of young people engaged in the care and maintenance of common goods in 277 Municipalities between Veneto, Marche, Lombardy, Trentino Alto Adige, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Emilia Romagna, Tuscany, Lazio, Puglia, Sardinia.

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