Genoa, the option to buy Vitinha has expired. The OM granted the extension

Genoa, the option to buy Vitinha has expired. The OM granted the extension
Genoa, the option to buy Vitinha has expired. The OM granted the extension


The future of Vitinha he could still be at Genoa. The Portuguese striker, who arrived in Italy on 31 January 2024 on loan with a right of redemption set at 25 million euros from Olympique Marseille, is not yet certain whether or not he will remain in the rossoblù but there is news in the last few hours regarding the negotiation between Genoa and the French club.

Extension of the option.
In the agreement stipulated in the winter, a purchase option was included in favor of Grifone, which however has already expired. Despite this, according to what was gathered by TMW, Genoa has obtained the extension until the end of the month and will therefore have almost three weeks to decide whether to exercise the right of redemption or not. The feeling is that a lot will depend on the offers that arrive in this period of time both for Albert Gudmundsson, but above all for Mateo Retegui: if one of the two were to leave the money collected would be reinvested in Vitinha, otherwise we will try to talk to Marisglia again.

Vitinha’s season.
In the second part of the championship that has just ended, the center forward scored two goals for Genoa, in nine appearances in Serie A, with some injuries that slowed him down, but with some performances that showed part of his potential.

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