my gratitude to the voters, as well as to the traitors, is immense

Giuseppe Marasco, known for his fervent political activity and civic commitment, recently expressed a heartfelt message of gratitude and determination following the latest municipal elections. With words full of passion, Marasco he wanted to thank not only his supporters, but also those who, despite having chosen not to vote for him, nevertheless contributed to strengthening his resolve. “I am deeply grateful to my constituents for the trust they have placed in me,” he said Marasco. “My gratitude to the voters as well as to the traitors is immense.” This recognition, also aimed at those who have taken different positions, underlines the inclusive vision and the will to Marasco to represent the entire community, without exclusions.

Marasco’s promise goes beyond simple thanks. “I will be your City Councilor like Saint Michael the Archangel,” he announced. With this statement, Marasco undertakes to vigorously defend the rights and interests of citizens, comparing himself to the archangel known for having defeated evil. His mission is clear: “I will defeat the occult evil of Palazzo San Domenico.” This statement indicates his determination to fight any form of corruption or injustice that may be hiding in local institutions.

Palazzo San Domenico, symbol of the city’s administrative power, is at the center of Marasco’s battle for transparency and integrity. He promises to watch carefully and act decisively against any form of evil that may threaten the well-being of the community. Giuseppe Marasco he concludes his message with heartfelt thanks: “Thank you very much.” This sign of humility and gratitude towards all, both supporters and critics, reflects his dedication to serving the community with honesty and courage.

Marasco has always shown himself to be a man of principles, ready to fight for what he believes in. His words, full of symbolism and determination, promise a mandate characterized by transparency and integrity. Citizens can expect a representative who not only listens to their voices, but who is also ready to fight for them with the same tenacity as Saint Michael the Archangel.

Giuseppe Marasco reports it

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