There is a rift between Vivarini and Catanzaro

Casting underway for the Sports Director, and now also for the coach

Today was the day dedicated to the meeting between the Giallorossi club and the coach Vincenzo Vivarini, it should have been the time to take stock and plan the new season. The press had “baptised” it as a camp for the Giallorossi’s fortunes also with suggestive titles: from the reference to D-Day to a more prosaic V-Day. But apparently we can summarize it as a ByeBye-Day.

But let’s go in order: that the yellow-red triad (Forests, Magalini And Vivarini, in strict alphabetical order) was tempting to half the world of Serie A and B football was no mystery. The excellent results obtained in the last two/three seasons represent a flattering business card for the directors and the coach. The post Cremona saw on one hand the legitimate expectations of individual members and on the other the corporate mantra of an economically sustainable project with the consolidation of the cadettery, strong in contracts and apparently pre-contracts signed in hand. But in football the rule of manent script it is not fair.

What broke the deadlock was Magalini, attracted by the sirens of Bari and ready to act as nanny to his pupil De Cesare and to vacate the position of sporting director of the Catanzaro Sports Union. This morning, then, the meeting between the coach and the club, almost three hours of discussion with the parties finding themselves “surprisingly” and suddenly distant. In the late afternoon the tom tam starts in the chats of the Giallorossi fans, Vivarini he goes away, the coach wants Serie A, or rather B with a relegation team. Then the first rumors begin to filter in: there are differences of opinion between the parties, the club has different perspectives, the coach wants to monetize the excellent seasons and would like to compete with more ambitious realities. Put simply, Vivarini wants to leave Catanzaro, because he is not satisfied with Noto’s proposals and because he already has an agreement with Frosinone.

The change, in mid-June and a month after the retirement, of these three key figures in the technical and management structure of Catanzaro football shows how the real price of the novitiate of the Aquile cadettry could be paid this year. With this situation, the coming days promise to be hot days for the President of the Catanzaro Floriano Noto. In a short time, the technical boxes will have to be filled with Aquilani And Tuscan the hottest names coming from market radio, that of sports director, with Lovisa in pole position and that of general manager with the preferred “internal” solution. In the background an amazed and partly astonished fan base, confident in the ownership and ready to rally around the Giallorossi banner for the umpteenth time.

Photo by Lorenzo Costa for UsCatanzaro,net

Editorial 24


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