Municipal elections: the news and comments from the Pescara election Sunday

Municipal elections: the news and comments from the Pescara election Sunday
Municipal elections: the news and comments from the Pescara election Sunday

The exit polls, by Noto polls, on Pescara give Masci between 47.5 and 51.5%. Costantini follows between 34 and 38 percent. Pettinari is given between 9 and 11% while Fusilli is between 3.5 and 5.5%. The European elections will begin at 11pm sharp, while from 2pm tomorrow, Monday 10 June, it will be the turn of the municipalities. Real time updates on Rete8 (channel 10 of digital terrestrial) and on our website with the electoral marathon tonight – night and then tomorrow from 1.45pm

Shortly after the Noto poll, a short statement from Carlo Masci arrived who, thanking Noto polls and the people of Pescara, “limits himself to taking note of the percentages while calmly awaiting tomorrow with friends and family. With the polls closed, I feel like saying that it was an electoral campaign full of great satisfactions, for the wonderful daily relationship with the citizens, for the push they gave me day by day to move forward with the work of these five years and I salute them all , one by one, thanking them.” Finally, Masci wishes good work to those involved in the polling stations, to the police forces and to the media operators.

“The exit polls give us a result for which the game is still wide open. Any comment can only be postponed.” Thus the candidate for mayor of Pescara for the centre-left coalition, Carlo Costantini, regarding the exit polls. “The declared objective of the centre-right was to win in the first round – he continues – Our objective was to avoid this eventuality from occurring. The forks dance, leaving both possibilities open. Consequently, we can only wait for the count. I thank the many people who are busy at the polls, wishing them good work, and I thank all the citizens who went to the polls”

In Pescara, 61.88% of eligible voters voted compared to 63.64 in the previous administrative elections.

In the Rete8 study, European and municipal exit polls are commented on: the secretary of the Democratic Party Daniele Marinelli does so focusing above all on the data from Pescara and underlining how the voters of Pescara wanted to reiterate their discontent with the 5 years of centre-right government. He is of a completely different opinion Etel Sigismondi, regional secretary of Fratelli d’Italia in video link, according to which the gap between Masci and Costantini will shorten, confirming the actions of those who were in government of the Adriatic capital. Cautious and moderate Italian coordinator Nazario Paganoalso live: “We are optimistic by nature and we like to believe that Masci will go beyond 51%”.

Shortly before midnight, PD secretary Marinelli asked Sigismondi in his study on what basis he had come to hypothesize Masci’s victory in the first round, hoping for greater prudence. As for Pettinari’s result, Marinelli speaks of “since he speaks well of a city split in half”.

Erika Alessandrini, regional councilor of the M5S, also in the studio, comments critically on Pettinari’s data recalling his, Pettinari, who recently joined the M5S in the Region having started the electoral campaign almost before anyone else: “He withdrew from the Movement by running alone and circumventing the rules to which he had really adhered in an unusual time”.

For Camillo D’Alessandro based on the exit polls “there is a Pescara split in two”.

“If we go to the second round, there will certainly be a new Pescara. With certainty. A new Pescara that has nothing to do with the one seen in the last, very long, five years. The first exit polls say that a run-off is possible, we just have to wait until tomorrow.” Thus the dem deputy of Pescara Luciano D’Alfonsoformer president of the Abruzzo regional council and former mayor of Pescara, commenting on the first exit poll relating to the administrative elections in the Adriatic capital.

In the Adriatic capital there are 4 candidates for mayor, 14 lists: the outgoing Carlo Masci, centre-right, Carlo Costantini, centre-left, Domenico Pettinari, Civic Coalition and Gianluca Fusilli, United States of Europe. Given the possible run-off round as for centers with over 15 thousand inhabitants, the ballot for the administrative elections is blue. For municipal elections, split voting is possible.

Overall, there were approximately 450 councilor candidates. The next council should last only three years if, as expected, Nuova Pescara is born in 2027, the result of the merger of Pescara, Montesilvano and Spoltore.
Masci, lawyer, 65 years old, outgoing mayor is supported by six lists: Forza Italia, Fratelli d’Italia, Lega, Pescara Futura, Masci Mayor for Pescara Unica 2024 and Udc. Five lists support Carlo Costantini62 years old, former deputy and former regional councilor: the two civic ones “Carlo Costantini Mayor of Pescara” and “Per Te Faremo Grande Pescara”, as well as Pd, M5s and Alleanza Verdi Sinistra – Radici in Comune. There are two lists in support of Pettinari, 44 years old, former regional councilor, violin teacher: “Pettinari Mayor” and “Citizens for Pescara”. Finally, there is “United States of Europe” in support of Gianluca Fusilli, 54 years old, former deputy, insurance agent and restaurateur.
In 2019 Masci won in the first round with 32,766 preferences, equal to 51.33 of the votes. The Democratic Party, with Marinella Sclocco as mayoral candidate, stopped at 22.87%, the M5s at 12.94%; Costantini, who presented himself independently with a civic project in that session, obtained 6.35% of the preferences. If Masci aims to win again in the first round, the result of the regional elections of last March 10 weighs on the administrative elections: in Pescara the centre-left – in that case however the so-called ‘wide field’ presented itself as a unit – obtained 52, 29% of the votes, while the center-right stopped at 47.71%.

The second most populous city in Abruzzo voting is Montesilvano: here the challengers are Ottavio De Martinis, outgoing mayor for the centre-right and Fabrizio D’Addazio, candidate from the centre-left.

Another municipality with over 15,000 inhabitants is Giulianova, where the challenge is four-way: Jwan Costantini, outgoing mayor; Alberta Ortolani; Romolo Lanciotti and Daniele Di Massimantonio.

In Abruzzo, the provincial territory with the highest number of municipalities voting for local elections is Chieti: 50. In the province of L’Aquila there will be voting in 8 municipalities. In the Pescarese area, elections will be held in 17 municipalities. 23 cities in the province of Teramo are affected.

For the European elections today at 7 pm the turnout figure in Abruzzo was 37.30%. On the municipal elections front, these are the defined turnouts: Pescara recorded 49.1% of those entitled to vote, i.e. . In Montesilvano 47.55% of voters voted. The figure for Giulianova was better, where 52.53% of those entitled to vote voted.

For the European elections today at midday the turnout figure in Abruzzo was 22.09%. Also at 12 today, the turnout in the municipality of Pescara was 29.85% of those entitled to vote. In Montesilvano 29.2% of voters voted. The figure for Giulianova was decidedly better, where 35.56% of those entitled to vote voted.

At 11pm yesterday the turnout in Abruzzo for the European elections stood at 12.71%. In Pescara for the municipal elections it had reached 17.53%, in Montesilvano 16.65% while in Giulianova the turnout had already been the highest, with 22.82% of those entitled to vote.

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