Fratelli d’Italia flies to Calabria, second place for FI. The M5S holds

LAMEZIA TERME The official data, acquired with a vote that lasted approximately 11 hours and with five sections missing, provide the complete picture of the Calabrians’ choice. On a regional basis, Fratelli d’Italia confirms itself as the first party with a percentage of 20.55% and just over 131 thousand preferences. Front runner of the centre-right, the Melonians, in one of the bluest regions of Italy, will certainly make the result weigh on the chessboard and in the balance of regional government.
Second place for Forza Italia from which the definitiveness of the data subtracts the sensation of the round 18%, the final percentage is in fact 17.98% with 115,162 votes.
For the Azzurri the taste of a challenge won with the added medal on their chest for the election of the vice-president of the regional council Giusy Princi.
Followed by the Five Star Movement with 16.18% and 103,684 preferences.
In the region that had given Bulgarian percentages, the Pentastellati are the third party but they find themselves having to deal with a PD that just missed overtaking them.
The Democratic Party with 103,684 votes is in fact close to 16% (15.89) to a attachment from the Five Star Movement. The two parties are substantially paired but certainly if the PD had achieved its objective of overcoming the Five Star Movement, the psychological effect for the Calabrian Democratic Party leaders would have been regenerating.
The results confirm the League the rumors of the day before which indicated a decisive recovery for the Salvinian patrol compared to the 2022 policy data.
With 9.19% the League resists in Calabria and escapes the danger of being overwhelmed by the blue wave of Forza Italia, the choice to nominate the president of the regional council, Filippo Mancuso, and the deputy Simona Loizzo having been rewarded.
If at a national level the United States of Europe missed the quorum of 4% in Calabria the percentage is significantly higher, the Calabrian epigones of Bonino and Renzi achieved 6.18% with almost forty thousand votes.
Also Action exceeds the barrier threshold for Calabriafor Calendiani the result is 4.16% and the most decisive contribution is made by the regional secretary Francesco De Nisi with around 11,400 personal preferences.
The figure for Allenza Verdi Sinistra was just under 6% (5.93) which can boast not only of the numerical result but also of having recovered and relaunched the reception model interpreted by Mimmo Lucano.


Breaking down the data on a provincial basis, the data varies due to multiple and concomitant factors. TO Cosenza emerges the result of the 5 Star Movement which is the first party with 21.02%, followed by Fratelli d’Italia with 19.09%. Forza Italia’s figure is lower than the regional average, stopping at 15.46% in the Bruzia province, with the PD coming fourth with 14.22%.
Cosenza’s exploit for the United States of Europe which reaches 9.25%, a figure driven by the candidate Filomena Greco who obtains 13,814 personal preferences. The League’s figure is lower than the regional average, reaching 7.86%, 8,171 preferences obtained by the deputy Simona Loizzo, far behind the President of the Regional Council Filippo Mancuso, his 1,913 votes confirm the “in opposition” schemes within of the Salvinians.


In the Pythagorean province the order of arrival broadly follows that of Cosenza, in first place the 5 Star Movement with 20.94%, then FDI at 19.26%, Forza Italia which exceeds 18% and the PD which comes close 17%. Followed by the League at 9.7% and Alleanza Verdi Sinistra at 4.82%.


In the central province of the region, first place goes to Fratelli d’Italia with 22.41%, a result which, linked to that of neighboring Vibo Valentia, suggests the specific weight of the Catanzaro native and Undersecretary of the Interior, Wanda Ferro. The Catanzaro PD obtains an encouraging 17% but it is the League that makes the weight of local candidates clear, Salvini’s followers in fact obtain third position with the clearly highest percentage in the regional context, 14.62%. The presentation of Filippo Mancuso from Catanzaro weighs heavily and receives 12,382 preferences. Also in this case the “division” in the search for Northern League consensus is confirmed, in Catanzaro in fact the Cosenza deputy Loizzo obtains “only” 2,124 votes. The Five Star Movement’s figure is just over 14%.
Interesting speech instead for Forza Italia which in the province of Catanzaro obtained fifth position with 13.77% and the worst result in the region despite numerous adhesions, the latest being that of the regional councilor Antonello Talerico. Immediately after, Alleanza Verdi e Sinistra with 6.08% and Azione with 4.65%.


Vibo Valentia is the province that gives Fratelli d’Italia the highest percentage result in the entire region, 23.15%. The exact same thing happens for the Democratic Party which with 18.12% obtains the highest percentage here.
In third position and far from the overall regional result, Forza Italia obtained “only” 14.08% in Vibo. The Five Star Movement stopped just under 13%, while Action achieved the highest percentage in Vibo with 9.13%. , a figure driven by the significant performance of the Vibo candidate and regional secretary Francesco De Nisi. Also in the province of Vibo Valentia the lowest result in the League which stops at 7.54%.


Expected at the first electoral test of a certain consistency and with the contribution of the “official” candidate of Forza Italia in Calabria, the regional coordinator Francesco Cannizzaro managed to achieve the highest percentage result in his province with a round 26.04%. Just over 30,000 preferences obtained by Giusy Princi. The Brothers of Italy are in second place with 21.14%, followed by the Democratic Party with 16.81%. The Five Star Movement is suffering on the banks of the Strait, with a percentage reaching 9.65%, while for the League it is 8.21%. The Greens and Left Alliance instead obtained 5.82%, driven by the 6,047 preferences obtained by Mimmo Lucano. Small and perhaps obvious curiosity, Alleanza Verdi e Sinistra obtained 37.57% in Riace, home of the former mayor and candidate Mimmo Lucano. ([email protected])

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