Brescia and Taranto in the heart, his foundation today helps the sick every day

Nadia Toffa today he would have turned 45. He left his family and his many fans in a very warm place 13 August 2019 in Bresciahis city, but the witness of his battles is in good hands: he was collected by his parents, father Maurizio and above all mother Margherita who received a mandate from her third daughter (Nadia had two older sisters, Mara and Silvia), thanks to whom she also reconnected with her faith and tried to find comfort in her pain. when the two had entered into symbiosis. She herself told, on TV, one of her last dialogues with her daughter, who continued to host “Le Iene” until she had the strength to do so: «she told me:“Mom, I leave you with so many things to do that you won’t find time to cry. And you will have to do them. You will continue what I am doing, you will help the last, the weakest”». This is how it went, the foundation created by the family is a fundamental bridge every day to give hope and treatment to many cancer patients.

Antonella saved by the foundation: the tumor seemed inoperable

Antonella Guidi, for example, owes her life to Nadia and her family: she is a 42-year-old housewife from Pietramontecorvino, in the province of Foggia, who last April underwent surgery for a cerebral meningioma, a neoplasm of the central nervous system . A tumor which – according to numerous Italian doctors – was impossible to operate on because it was difficult to reach. Until, thanks to a journalistic article and at an event organized by the Nadia Toffa Foundation, Antonella came into contact with Matteo de Notaris, specialist in neurosurgery, neuro-oncology and neuroendocrinosurgery at the ‘San Giovanni di Dio e Ruggi d’Aragona’ in Salerno. The doctor operated on her on April 17th, removing more than 50 percent of the tumor.

The illness in Trieste and Silvio Berlusconi’s gesture for her

The journalist’s ordeal instead began in Trieste, on 2 December 2017, while she was preparing a report for the Mediaset program, which she had arrived after a long apprenticeship that began in Telesanterno and Retebrescia. She fell ill, in hospital they saved her life but they diagnosed her with a brain tumor. The professor told her that the tumor was in a place in the brain that could be operated on and that, if cleaned properly, she could still have years of life ahead of her. If she moved, it could be months. There were five operations, all faced with rare courageuntil the surrender on August 13, 2019.

In Taranto a hospital department bears his name

In Taranto, a city for which (he also received honorary citizenship) he fought for a long time on TV with repeated reports on the Ilva caseNadia’s face continues to appear every day in the life of the city through a mural created by the Calabrian artist Claudio Morne in the Salinella district, the outskirts of the city and home to the «Erasmo Iacovone» stadiumanother hero of Taranto who disappeared too soon. The pediatric oncohematology department of the «Santissima Annunziata» hospital was named after Toffa. With the proceeds of the book that Nadia wrote during the long nights of her illness, Don’t be good, released posthumously on 7 November, the Foundation in her name has allocated funds for oncology research, for the Land of Fires and for the sick of the ‘Ilva of Taranto. The memory of her is alive every day, even more so today.

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