Fagnano, “Experiencing prison, voices from inside”. Amnesty, clemency and work

FAGNANO PEOPLE – «We expect clear answers from politicians that go beyond the usual phrases of circumstance». The president of the Criminal Chamber of Busto Arsizio is crystal clear Samuel Genoni. “Living Prison. Voices from Inside” from 5 pm today, Friday 28 June, has brought together lawyers, magistrates, ex-prisoners and politicians in Fagnano Olona. The meeting comes after the one that on Wednesday 26 June, in Piazza San Giovanni in Busto, had brought together lawyers and magistrates to stop suicides in prison. On Wednesday, those registered in six months out of a prison population of about 62 thousand people were 45. Today, two days later, we rise to 48: the last strong gesture by an inmate took place yesterday evening.

The Criminal Chamber

Genoni reiterated how the concept of “throwing away the key” is not only useless, but even unachievable. Filling prisons only leads to overcrowding, it solves nothing else. And answers that come without really knowing the situation are useless.

Don David Maria Riboldi

«Pope Francis spoke of amnesty – said Don David Maria Riboldichaplain of the Busto prison and soul of the cooperative La Valle di Ezechiele, active in the reintegration of ex-prisoners into the world of work – I am the humble spokesperson of the Pope’s message. Saying clemency in Parliament today seems worse than blasphemy. The purpose of punishment, in Italy, is re-educational, prisons are not places to be packed together». And it works: numbers in hand. «To date we have worked on the reintegration of 28 ex-prisoners, of whom only one has returned to committing crimes. Work is the way, the way also to build healthy relationships». To understand that there is an alternative. A different world.

A different horizon

To those who, in most cases, have had too narrow a horizon, have had no opportunities, making them understand that a different reality is possible is fundamental. And we always return to the question that President Genoni asked last Wednesday, given that throwing away the key is neither possible nor successful. “What kind of people do we want to return to society once they’ve served their sentences?”. Someone who knows that a different reality is possible or someone who, abandoned to himself during the years of detention, will inevitably return to the only society he knows?

The presents

They attended the meeting: the magistrate of the supervisory court of the Varese court Benedetta Rossi, Gianpaolo Catanzariti, head of the Ucpi Prison Observatory, Maria Pitaniello, director of the Busto Arsizio prison, Alessandro Alfieri (Pd), senator of the Republic, Lorenzo Parachini, member of the Ucpi Prison Observatory, the honorable Chiara Gadda, Don David Maria Riboldi, chaplain of the Busto Arsizio prison, the deputy Andrea Pellicini, Pietro Roncari, guarantor of the inmates of Busto Arsizio, the regional councilor Emanuele Monti and Stefano Binda, former prisoner (acquitted), president of The Valley of Ezekiel ODV.

Suicides in prison, the Busto Criminal Chamber: “There is no more time to stop them”

fagnano voci ezechiele prison – MALPENSA24


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