still underway only in Caltabellotta, Forza Italia is the leading party in the Agrigento area

still underway only in Caltabellotta, Forza Italia is the leading party in the Agrigento area
still underway only in Caltabellotta, Forza Italia is the leading party in the Agrigento area

7.48am. The results of Alessandria della Rocca arrive in the prefecture. Only Caltabellotta is still missing from the appeal. The Agrigentino follows the Sicilian trend: when 10 sections are missing (at 6.30 am 500 out of 510 have been loaded): Forza Italia with 44,843 preferences, equal to 36.21%, is the first party. Followed, but at a distance, by Fratelli d’Italia: 21,994 preferences, equal to 17.76%. Third was the Five Star Movement with 17,180 preferences, equal to 13.87% and then the Democratic Party with 16,199 votes, equal to 13.08%. Lega Prime Minister Salvini is in fifth place: 9,237 preferences, equal to 7.46%. Libertà obtained 4,696 votes (3.79%), Green and Left Alliance: 3,814 (3.08%), United States of Europe: 1,967 (1.59%), Pace Terra Dignità: 1,484 (1.20%) , Popular alternative: 1,321 (1.07%) and Action-We are European: 1,101 (0.89%).

7 am. The European counting – at 7.10 am – has not yet concluded in the Agrigento area. The data for two towns has not yet arrived at the prefecture: Alessandria della Rocca and Caltabellotta.

It was a complicated night, or rather more so, because from around 2.30am until just before 5am the ministerial system in which the list votes and preference votes must be loaded was out. At 5, for the Agrigento area, however, the results of 8 municipalities were still missing. Half an hour later of 6 realities, four of which also went to the polls for the administrative elections. At 7.10am, however, as mentioned, the results of Alessandria della Rocca and Caltabellotta were missing.

Administrative and European elections: the definitive turnout is 45.41% and 36.57%

According to what emerged at around 6.30 am, Forza Italia is the leading party in Sicily with around 23%, with a percentage that is more than double that obtained by the party at national level. The Azzurri have a 4 point lead over Fratelli d’Italia. In the centre-left, M5s is ahead of the PD by one and a half points, 16% against 14.5%, while the League is closer to 8%. Edy Tamajo confirms himself as a top pick in Sicily. He wins the internal challenge to the Forza Italia-Noi moderate list in the Islands constituency, with a gap of 20 thousand votes over Marco Falcone at the moment; only third was the leaders Caterina Chinnici, on whom Antonio Tajani had bet. While Massimo Dell’Utri, who also received the votes of Totò Cuffaro’s DC, is fourth.


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