Pesaro weather, the forecast for next week 10

The weather forecast for Pesaro indicates moderate rain during Monday night with 97% cloudy skies. Temperatures will be around +20.2°C, perceived as +20.4°C, with winds of up to 44.6km/h. On Tuesday, skies will be changeable with temperatures up to +27.2°C in the afternoon. On Wednesday, overnight precipitation and overcast skies are expected. Thursday, moderate rain with temperatures around +18°C. It is advisable to monitor the evolution of the weather and take precautions in case of heavy rain.

Monday 10 June

In the night in Pesaro, it is expected moderate rain with a cloud cover of 97%. Temperatures will hover around +20.2°Cwith a perception of +20.4°C. The wind will blow a 20.8km/h coming from the South West, with gusts up to 44.6km/h. The intensity of precipitation will be 1.34mm with humidity al 82% and atmospheric pressure a 1004hPa.

During the morning, the sky will be partly cloudy with an overcast 45%. Temperatures will rise to +22.3°Cperceive how +22.6°C. The wind will be moderate, with gusts up to 29.8km/h coming from the West – South West. The humidity will settle at 76% with atmospheric pressure a 1005hPa.

In the afternoon, the sky will become completely covered with cloud cover 100%. Maximum temperatures will reach i +26.8°Cperceive how +27.6°C. The wind will blow a 31.1km/h coming from the South – South West, with high humidity 56% and atmospheric pressure a 1006hPa.

In the evening, the sky will clear of clouds with a covering of 4%. Temperatures will hover around +23.4°Cperceive how +23.6°C. The wind will be moderate, with gusts up to 22.4km/h coming from the South West. The humidity will be of 68% with atmospheric pressure a 1007hPa.

Tuesday 11 June

Overnight, skies will be clear with some cloud cover 6%. Temperatures will remain around +20.9°Cperceive how +21.1°C. The wind will be light, with a speed of 13km/h coming from the South – South West. Humidity will be at 76% with atmospheric pressure a 1008hPa.

During the morning, the sky will be partly cloudy with a covering of 21%. Temperatures will rise to +24.6°Cperceive how +24.7°C. The wind will increase slightly, with gusts up to 31.9km/h always coming from the South West. The humidity will settle at 60% with atmospheric pressure a 1010hPa.

During the afternoon, the sky will become completely covered with cloud cover 100%. Maximum temperatures will reach i +27.2°Cperceive how +27.7°C. The wind will be light, with a speed of 12.5km/h coming from the South – South West. The humidity will be of 51% with atmospheric pressure a 1009hPa.

In the evening, the sky will remain overcast 100%. Temperatures will remain around +23.1°Cperceive how +23°C. The wind will be light, with a speed of 10.7km/h coming from the South – South West. The humidity will be of 72% with atmospheric pressure a 1010hPa.

Wednesday 12 June

In the night, the sky will be overcast 100% with possible precipitation. Temperatures will remain around +20.5°Cperceive how +20.6°C. The wind will be light, with a speed of 8.9km/h coming from the West. The humidity will be of 74% with atmospheric pressure a 1010hPa.

During the morning, the sky will be partly cloudy with a cloud cover 33%. Temperatures will rise to +21°Cperceive how +20.8°C. The wind will be light, with a speed of 9.9km/h coming from the South West. The humidity will settle at 65% with atmospheric pressure a 1012hPa.

In the afternoon, the sky will become completely covered with cloud cover 100%. Maximum temperatures will reach i +23°Cperceive how +23.2°C. The wind will be light, with a speed of 18.4km/h coming from the North. The humidity will be of 70% with atmospheric pressure a 1013hPa.

In the evening, the sky will be partly cloudy with a cloud cover 11%. Temperatures will remain around +23°Cperceive how +23.2°C. The wind will be light, with a speed of 18.2km/h coming from the North East. The humidity will be around 70% with atmospheric pressure a 1013hPa.

Thursday 13 June

During the night, they are expected moderate rainfall with a cloud cover of 66%. Temperatures will remain around +19.1°Cperceive how +19.4°C. The wind will be light, with a speed of 4km/h coming from the North – North West. The intensity of precipitation will be 1.55mm with humidity87% and atmospheric pressure a 1013hPa.

They are expected in the morning moderate rainfall with a cloud cover of 100%. Temperatures will remain around +19.2°Cperceive how +19.4°C. The wind will increase slightly, with a speed of 10km/h coming from the North West. The intensity of precipitation will be 1.09mm with humidity86% and atmospheric pressure a 1013hPa.

During the afternoon, they are scheduled light rain with cloud cover of86%. Temperatures will remain around +18.5°Cperceive how +18.6°C. The wind will be light, with a speed of 9.4km/h coming from the West – North West. The intensity of precipitation will be 0.69mm with humidity85% and atmospheric pressure a 1013hPa.

In the evening, they are expected light rain with cloud cover of90%. Temperatures will remain around +18°Cperceive how +17.8°C. The wind will be light, with a speed of 14.6km/h coming from the West – South West. The intensity of precipitation will be 0.12mm with humidity al 77% and atmospheric pressure a 1014hPa.

Based on the weather forecast, it is advisable to keep an eye on the evolution of the weather conditions and take the necessary precautions, especially in case of moderate or heavy rain.

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