Victory of the Center-Left in the ballots: Civitavecchia, Palestrina and Tarquinia go to the Dems

Victory of the Center-Left in the ballots: Civitavecchia, Palestrina and Tarquinia go to the Dems
Victory of the Center-Left in the ballots: Civitavecchia, Palestrina and Tarquinia go to the Dems

Last updated on 25 June 2024 by Sara Gatti

The Triumph of the Center-Left

In the second round of the ballots, i Democrats they achieved victory in the three municipalities voting. The center-left demonstrated its strength a Civitavecchia, Palestrina And Tarquiniasnatching important victories from the centre-right parties.

Success of the “Campo Largo” in Civitavecchia

In Civitavecchia, the new elected mayor, Marco Piedibeneachieved victory against the competitor Massimiliano Grasso, supported by Fratelli d’Italia and Lega. The centre-left candidate achieved a significant margin of victory, with 54.48% of the votes against his opponent’s 45.52%. This success is attributable to the “wide field” strategy, also supported by Avs and M5S.

Palestrina and Tarquinia follow the centre-left wave

Also in Palestrina, the Democratic party managed to conquer the city, with the victory of Igino Macchi, former social councilor in the Municipality. Supported by the Dem and Civic Party, Macchi obtained 58.81% of the votes, overtaking his opponent Giuseppe Cilia stuck at 41.19%. In a context in which the centre-right parties were divided, the success of the centre-left in Palestrina confirms the solidity of the coalition. Tarquinia joins this trend, confirming the victory of the Democrats in the voting municipalities.


Democrats: Refers to the Democratic Party (PD), an Italian political party with a centre-left orientation. Born in 2007, the PD has consolidated itself as one of the main political forces on the Italian scene. The party has been in government on several occasions, including during the Renzi government and the Gentiloni government. The Democrats have as their main objective the defense of the values ​​of the democratic left, of civil and social rights, as well as an economic policy oriented towards the well-being of the population.

Civitavecchia: It is a coastal city in the Lazio region, located in the province of Rome. Known mainly for its important commercial port, Civitavecchia is an important urban center for the region. Municipality administrative elections have a significant impact on city management and local politics.

Palestrina: Also located in the Lazio region, Palestrina is a municipality with an ancient history and rich in culture. Local elections in Palestrina influence local government and determine the future political and social directions of the community.

Tarquinia: Also located in Lazio, Tarquinia is a city with an important historical heritage, including an Etruscan archaeological area recognized by UNESCO. The administrative elections of the municipality are crucial for defining cultural policies and conservation of local heritage.

Marco Piedibene: He is the centre-left candidate and elected mayor of Civitavecchia. His victory represents a success for the Democratic Party and the allied forces that supported him.

Massimiliano Grasso: He is Marco Piedibene’s competitor in Civitavecchia, supported by Fratelli d’Italia and Lega. His defeat represents a loss for the center-right in the competition for the position of mayor.

Wide field: This is a political strategy adopted by the center-left in Civitavecchia, based on the aggregation of different political forces and movements, including Avs and M5S, to achieve an electoral victory through a broad front of support.

Igino Macchi: He is the candidate of the Democratic Party and elected mayor of Palestrina. His victory confirms the success of the center-left in the municipality and the unity of the coalition.

Giuseppe Cilia: He is the defeated candidate in Palestrina, representing the centre-right parties. His defeat reflects the division within the center-right and the success of the center-left in the city.

This article documents the triumph of the center-left in the municipalities of Civitavecchia, Palestrina and Tarquinia, highlighting the political strategies, candidates and results of the local elections.

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