Railways: Lombardy, leaflets distributed by centre-right candidate, “Trenord sucks”

In recent days at the station Pavia some leaflets were distributed with an unequivocal interpretation: “Trenord sucks!”.

However, it was not the opposition parties nor the angry committees who distributed them, but the supporters of the centre-right mayoral candidate of Paviaas well as regional councilor of the ideal Lombardy list – Fontana president.

The list that directly supports the governor who, as such, is a shareholder of Trenord through FNM. So an attack from the right on the political party itself.

An attack precisely justified in the flyer. “Delays, cancellations, breakdowns and continuous strikes: Trenord offers a shameful service. The commuters of Pavia deserve more!”, complete with logo and invitation to vote for Pavia Prima, the list that supports the mayoral candidate Cantoni.

Already last January the same list had made an attack on the Lombardy regional transport company on Facebook: “Pavia commuters are humiliated every day by Trenord, but someone saw fit to renew their concession (without tender!) for another 10 years “.

“Trenord Lombard shame”, they wrote, without however specifying that that ‘someone’ had actually been President Attilio Fontana.

A controversy entirely within the right which is in government of the Region and which was denounced by the Lombardy Democratic Party, which comments: “Trenord sucks: no, this time we are not saying it nor the commuters or the associations.

But a centre-right regional councilor, candidate for mayor in Pavia.

The expression used, which certainly leaves no room for interpretation, was printed on a flyer which also lists the problems for which the company should respond such as “delays, cancellations, breakdowns and continuous strikes”, with the conclusion: “Trenord offers a shameful service”.

But why, don’t they govern the Lombardy Region? Aren’t they responsible for the Trenord service? Aren’t they the same people who compared the company to a Ferrari a year ago?

And where was this councilor when the bonus for commuters on the most damaged lines was cancelled? Where is this councilor when we denounce disservices and attacks on commuters’ rights?”.

The full article on Repubblica.

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