Artificial intelligence, let the industries speak – Pescara

PESCARA. In Italy, 71% of companies will implement generative artificial intelligence in the next two years and 73% of companies expect a large impact from generative AI on productivity.
Unfortunately, in our country there are still too few people on the job market who have the skills to apply this technology. However, Italy is the first European nation to systematically address the issues of artificial intelligence, regulating them in full compliance with the AI ​​Act. The legislator’s work is based on an anthropocentric perspective, which promotes the development of transparent and reliable and the aim of framing Artificial Intelligence as a concrete lever for the economic development of our country, to create an ecosystem that makes Italy an innovator in this sector too, not just a user of technologies that are typically developed overseas.
AI is a very current and deeply felt topic also in Abruzzo, so much so that entrepreneurs, managers, representatives of institutions and citizens participated in large numbers yesterday, at the Confindustria headquarters, in Via Raiale 110 bis in Pescara, in the seminar “90 minutes with Gianluigi Greco”, during which the President of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AIxIA) explained what lies behind the machines they create and their potential impact on the economy. The President of Confindustria Abruzzo and Confindustria Abruzzo Medio Adriatico Silvano Pagliuca – creator of the format – declared that «AI will bring, as all previous technologies have done, a significant acceleration in productivity. An important impact is hypothesized in the coming years in terms of GDP for the countries that have already deeply adopted the digital transformation. What worries me”, he remarked, “is the state of adoption in Italian Small and Medium Enterprises: only 5% declare they have operational projects and, overall, only 18% have approached the topic. Let us remember, however, that AI will not change the world in a few years but it is already changing it and in some sectors it has already changed it. A transversal change, which impacts the economy, the world of work, research, society and ethics. We want to experience the Artificial Intelligence revolution as protagonists. There will be a very strong transformation, which will affect the whole of society, especially the middle class, and which will have to be managed at a political and economic level. There may be different models, depending on whether innovation arises in democratic or authoritarian countries, with the risk of a new “iron curtain”, where the bases that count will not be missile ones, but those of data centers and AI. In recent years”, concluded Pagliuca, “we have seen that America innovates, China replicates and Europe deludes itself into regulating. We therefore have the urgent need to aim for a political Europe that knows how to be independent. We are a country of great inventors and enlightened entrepreneurs such as Olivetti, Mattei and many others who have made the world tremble. Even in this challenge we must be able to grasp our ability to be reborn.” (cs)

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