Nesci tries again and speaks as a manager: «The only useful vote is for FdI who is running to lead the city of Reggio»

Nesci tries again and speaks as a manager: «The only useful vote is for FdI who is running to lead the city of Reggio»
Nesci tries again and speaks as a manager: «The only useful vote is for FdI who is running to lead the city of Reggio»

«We need to go and vote because the European elections are decisive for the near future». He has no doubts Denis Nesci, outgoing European parliamentarian from the Brothers of Italy, who tries again to take the road to Strasbourg by entering parliament from the main door. In 2022, with the resignation of Raffaele Fitto, now Minister for European Affairs, Cohesion Policies and the Pnrr, he had reaped the fruits of the placement – first of the non-elected – obtained in the 2019 European elections, representing the territory of the province of Reggio Calabria . Today, at 43 years old, he tries again, convinced as he is that the life of our communities, the economic stability of our companies, the health of the environment around us depends on the choices made in Brussels.

«All our perspectives – he told notebooks – must take into account what is happening in Europe. And my invitation to voters is to choose to be protagonists through their vote, rather than helpless spectators». Nesci, as mentioned, has been a protagonist in various issues that have affected our territories, and also for this reason he believes that FdI’s proposal deserves the voters’ trust.

«Giorgia Meloni’s vision and the priorities of Fratelli d’Italia are good for the worldproductive sector, families and administrators. We aim to give a new governance for Europe, which abandons an ideological approach on major issues, such as the environment, innovation and single market. We aim for a Europe that does less and does better, that knows how to recognize and valorise the history and culture of the states that compose it. Therefore, we aim to build a new Europe, no longer distant and deaf, but attentive to the needs of its citizens.”
But, moreover, Nesci, in addition to distancing the bugaboo of abstentionism, invites Calabrians to give a “useful vote” to this Region, in some way also marking a perimeter within the center-right forces that are playing an important game: «the only party that will certainly elect a Calabrian will be Brothers of Italy, therefore it would be appropriate not to waste the energy on a choice that could prove decisive in bringing a Calabrian voice to Brussels”.

An important statement that of European parliamentarian who now speaks as a manager – is a member of the regional coordination and of the national assembly of FdI – of a match That he also wants more space at a local level, in a Calabria where Roberto Occhiuto and Francesco Cannizzaro’s Forza Italia seems to dominate.
On the other hand, in this electoral campaign many have focused on the dualism between Forza Italia and Lega, taking it for granted that the new structures of the national government can also emerge from the polls.
So is Fratelli d’Italia the referee of the match or is it aiming for something else?
“From the proportional electoral system results in a campaign in which each party tries to strengthen the issues that make it more attractive compared to the others. It’s normal for this to be the case – says Nesci -. And I won’t deny that a bit of healthy competition is good for the electorate’s motivations. In the case of the centre-right, at a national level, I think that the coalition is in excellent health, and this is a good start for the Melon Governmentthe”.

But if you go further south than Rome and Catanzaro the position even becomes radical and clear. The outgoing MEP’s attention is therefore not only focused on the European elections, even more so today. In Reggio Calabria, for example, until a few days ago there was little talk about European elections. Indeed, on several occasions it is attention has turned to the upcoming municipal elections with the proposals of Eduardo Lamberti Castronuovo, Massimo Ripepi and apparently also Ninni Tramontana, who are aiming straight for Palazzo San Giorgio.

In a scenario, certainly in definition, but which suggests a solid civic representation, we ask ourselves whether for the center-right the game is already over. And in particular, as political analysts and those directly involved say, if the Municipality will be the “exclusive jurisdiction” of Forza Italia and Palazzo Alvaro, with the possible return of the Provinces, of Fratelli d’Italia. The answer of Denis Nesci is once again decided and is destined to reopen that “nominations” chapter which in some way seemed already written.
«The game is far from over – exclaims Nesci -. To date, the next certain electoral deadline is that of the Municipality of Reggio Calabria. Fratelli d’Italia is definitely aiming for that. We have profiles capable of sitting in the most important seat of Palazzo San Giorgio. The state the city is in is clear to everyone and we need a guide who can count on political direction that reflects what the Brothers of Italy are doing to the Government of the country, with the Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. The city of Reggio Calabria will be able to be the protagonist of the future European agenda which looks carefully at the implementation of the Mattei plan”.
In essence – Denis Nesci reiterates clearly – «Fdi is ready to take on the responsibility of building the political and administrative action of Reggio Calabria in the coming years».

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