Presentation of the new Regulations of the University of Parma regarding patents –

Presentation of the new Regulations of the University of Parma regarding patents –
Presentation of the new Regulations of the University of Parma regarding patents –

It will be held on Tuesday 11 June at 4pm in the Philosophers’ Hall of the University of Parma headquarters the presentation event of the new Regulation of the University regarding patents and protection of inventions.

The new regulation integrates the changes to the legislation on academic inventions introduced by Law n.102/2023, “Amendments to the Industrial Property Code referred to in Legislative Decree n. 30/2005″.

The new provisions redefine the regime of ownership of invention rights within universities.

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The meeting, of a popular and informative nature, will offer an overview of the regulatory changes, delving into the implications for researchers and teachers and the updated procedures for filing patents. At the beginning, greetings from the Rector Paolo Martellifollowed by an introduction by the Vice Rector for Research and Technology Transfer Daniele Del Rio and the speech of the President of the University Patent Commission Cesare Galli.

It is possible to participate in person upon registration and until all available places are filled.

The meeting will also be broadcast streaming on the University YouTube channel.

The complete text of the new regulation is available on the official web page on the University website.

For all information you can contact the Valorisation of research and promotion of innovation unit: [email protected]

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